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Want To Stop Gun Violence? Here's What You Don't Do...

Updated on April 18, 2013

The Totally Illogical Logic Of Gun Grabbers

Gun grabbers usually are operating on pure emotion. If they aren't doing that they are politically motivated liberals in the arena. Yes, Aurora was unfortunate but there was an invite to nuts when they made theaters "no gun" zones. So who's going to bring a gun into such a zone? Not a law abiding citizen mind you. Sandy Hook was a travesty but then again here they made schools what? You got it - "NO GUN" zones. So who shows up in such areas? Connect the dots time gun grabbers.

I was asked by an old friend who knows of my past background as a military firearms type of guy to produce this Hub. I will emphasize what that user wanted me to point out and also bring several other myths to your attention. Maybe a reader here or there might learn something along the way.

Something To Consider

Myth #1 is brought to us by a "not near nuclear scientist" Representative in Congress from the state of Colorado by the name of Diana DeGette who wants to out gaffe our Crazy Uncle Joe Biden. Isn't this comedy routine coming out of Foggy Bttom getting old? Now Diana is obviously a genius at showing us how stupid she really is concerning firearms and high capacity magazines. Sometimes it's best to keep your pie hole closed.

Now somehow, in Diana's mind, when the last round is spent from a magazine the magazine, no matter what capacity, is useless and will be discarded rather than reloaded. She has obviously never heard of speed loading. For you who don't know this that is common with large capacity magazines. The rounds come ready on a strip to be inserted quickly into a magazine to reload said magazine.

Here's her explanation of the whole large capacity magazine controversy: “I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them; so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot, and there won’t be any more available." The problem is that everything she said there is a fairy tale manufactured in her pea brain.

I know! I know! She never said it right liberal left wing advocates of killing the Second Amendment? The Frog Prince is lying and exaggerating again. Right? Watch the video and think that this is the same woman who was advocating banning high capacity magazines in a House bill. No bullets = no more magazines or is it the other way around. Listening to her will get anyone confused..

She is mindless but listen from minute 3 onward at a minimum. and yes, she does point out her exalted position in the Democratic hierarchy.

Incredible! And She Is Passing It Off As Fact? Does She Go Skeet Shooting With Obama Or What?

Myth #2 is served up regularly by the Lame Stream Media citing mythical polls conducted by who knows who. It goes like this. Ninety (90) percent of Americans want Obama and Congress to mandate background checks on all gun purchasers in our nation. Oh the statements that flow from the lips of media pundits. They pony up with this next myth. 40 percent of all gun sales have no background checks or governmental oversight involved. Was that Fast & Furious gun sales or some other type of gun running this administration is involved in?

This gets rich in fable and the Congresswoman should beam. Did you know that about 100,000 of your fellow citizens are slain by gun fire every year? Did you know that? I hope not because it isn't true. This next one is one Obama loves. Guns take more American children each year than the grim reaper of cancer snares each year, not true so relax a bit. Children are Obama's props, not mine.

This is the fodder for low information voters that is fed the sheeple by the Lame Stream Media. Lets just twist the facts like a pretzel so they aren't recognizable and feed the loafers of the world who don't bother to check and still believe everything Obama and the government says. Oh yeah, that's the ticket.

Majority of the electorate and the cornerstone of American politics

Lets examine the 90% figure. That amounts to 290 million (+ or -) of the populace. You can't get that many people to agree on anything I can think of in this nation. Obama himself didn't garner 90% of the loafer vote let alone the support of that many people in the country to further erode our Bill of Rights. Our far left wing rights grabbers want you to believe otherwise even though they themselves know better. It's fodder.

FACT: Yes there was previously a high of 57%, right after Sandy Hook, in a poll favoring stricter gun control legislation. Now? 39% of the people want the laws kept the same and 11% want them lessened. The stricter advocates fell to 47% during that time span. Do the math gun grabbers.

FACT: The origin of the 40% loophole of "no checks" on firearms sales came from one Michael Bloomberg of Big Gulp fame. If you believe anything that guy says and have I got a bridge for you. Even the Washington Post poo-pooed that nonsense noting that gun show sales amounted to 3.9% of all firearms sales made in this country.

I think that the pablum servers in this nation should at least attempt to be intellectually honest with loafers (low information types) even though they seem to be at a disadvantage. Or maybe it is the servers who are at a disadvantage? For 23 years I was the finger on a trigger. Take me from behind the sights and the trigger and all that was left was one big paperweight. Got that?

I'm amazed at the audacity of the left at times. Cancer and children? Really? And just how many children died by abortion in the same time frame? Do you see heaps of hypocrisy in any of this folks? Now we have the same pablum servers equating what just happened in Boston to gun control legislation and the sequestration. Thank Steny Hoyer for the last gaffe there. He's Little Joey Biden's main shill. Grab a shotgun Steny and sic em boy!

Originally, yes, there was talk about having a serious national discussion concerning gun violence. Then the fear mongers took over and the jig was up once again. Wassup with that? And yes, the whole gun control shebang just went up with a bang in the US Senate and we have yet to see a budget passed. But don't worry. They won't get around to it. Harry Reid said he won't give up and Obama said it was round one. How about the economy fellas?

Obama asked for the vote during his SOTU address, got it and now doesn't like it?

He asked for the vote on this nonsense and he got it then wants to be the crybaby once again. someone please give the man a tissue. Maybe even a box or better yet a case?

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill, they claimed that it would create some sort of ‘big brother’ gun registry, even though the bill did the opposite. This legislation, in fact, outlawed any registry.”

His lips were moving during the 15 minute tongue lashing and talking down to the will of the American people with lie after lie after lie. The man does have gumption I must say. He should have been that emotional in his "Boston" speech huh? There he couldn't bring himself to use the "T" word so as not to offend his Muslim brothers.

"Vote It," "Like"It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it and keep reading it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince


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