Italy Ending the Coronavirus Lockdown
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Welcome to our article (100) Italy ending the coronavirus lockdown.
Dear readers, this is the month of May 2020, and Italy wants to end the coronavirus lockdown; also other world leaders start talking, how to end the lockdown caused from the coronavirus and return to normal, but wanting to end the coronavirus lockdown is not going to be easy, because the expert have told us that the coronavirus can come back and we will lose the control we have gained; so, it needs to done in stage and monitor what happens, if everything goes well, then more freedom can be allowed. Anyhow, we are writing our own views in our diary, so that one day we can look back and remember what happened.
Anyhow, in this article we are talking about the whole world, but the central country is Italy, because I am following what happens in Italy more that the rest of the world.
Today the 4th of May 2020, the Italian government has decided to end the complete lockdown, so, now some people can go back to work, but they must ware masks and gloves, and respect social distancing. They are also allowed to go out and walk in the streets near where they live, but they must ware the masks and keep to the rule of social distancing. Other countries have also ended their lockdown to various degrees, so, now the entire world is looking at what happens next; above all they hope that they can keep the COVID 19 under control.
Anyhow, today is the 7th of May. I must tell you that every day I look at the telly how the world is doing, and I find that there are lots of people that are still dying. Some countries are doing better than others, and the number of the people dying is diminishing, other countries are not doing that well, so, their deaths are still the same and they are worried, but they still talk that they cannot stay in lockdown for long, so, they start to go back to work.
I believe that it is still early to say anything positive. Anyhow, I think that I should write an entry in this article about once a week, so that we can keep track of what is happening. But let me write a short list of the deaths, as reported on the Internet, to keep track what is happening now.
This is the 7th of May 2020 dead list.
USA 74,577; Spain 25,857; Italy 29,684; UK 30,076; France 25,809. These are the countries with most deaths.
Noting some COVID 19 difference
Today the 14th of May, I am looking at the COVID 19 telly and I have noted that not every country has the same death rates. For instance, Russia is doing well because it has over 242,000 confirmed positives, but has only 2,200 deaths, which is about 1%. At the same time Italy and United Kingdom, about 14%; France and Spain, about 10%; USA about 6% if my rough calculations are right.
This makes me think that there must be a reason that we do not know, or the experts are not telling us, so, we must ask ourselves why? I can think of two reasons; one, the virus in Europe has mutated and is more deadly, and two, some country populations have some immunity to this COVID 19. I hope that one day they can work it out why, since it might help to control the virus.
Anyhow, everybody hopes that a vaccine will come out soon, so, we can control the virus and solve this problem. Failing that we must learn how to live with this virus, which is not going to be easy.
Now what is happening in Italy
Since the start of the lockdown, the Italian government has spoken to the Italians mainly through the prime minister Giuseppe Conte, and they have followed the instructions, for this reason the situation has improved, but there is a lot more to do, before they can go back to live a normal life. Anyhow, as we know, some people have been allowed to go back to work and do other activities, so, let us hope that this does not start another wave of this disease, because people need to work and produce, to live a normal life; even if, we must learn how to do that with the coronavirus still around.
Anyhow, today the Italian government is spending so much money to keep the country going, it makes me wonder how they are going to pay this huge amount of money back, when the COVID 19 is over. I know that they must budget this way because that is the only way to keep going in the right direction, so, let us hope that it works out the best way possible.
Suddenly, something else in the news has caught my attention, even though it has nothing to do with COVID 19, an Italian volunteer has been freed from some terrorist groups. Silvia Romano has been captive for 18 months in Africa. Now, the Italian government is supposed to have paid for the release of Silvia Romano, but they deny it. Anyhow, she is back home, but Silvia Romano is now converted to Islam, so, the Italians are not happy, and they have protested, some Italian want to kill Silvia Romano, because she has become a Muslim. But I wonder why she has converted; did she convert otherwise she would be killed? If so, she escaped then, only to find herself in trouble again. All this has happened because she wanted to help in Africa. When things like this happen, one is forced to think that it is not worth the effort to do any volunteer work, because you can be killed whichever way you turn. I believe that we should feel sorry for her, because she deserves better, that is all I want to say about this issue, now we want to go back to talk about the COVID 19.
The volenteer Silvia Romano back in Italy
Updating COVID 19 road to recovery progress.
Today is the 22nd of May 2020. In Italy they believe that the worst is over; so, they have started phase 2, over two weeks ago, so, some business have reopened, but they can have only a small number of people in the premises, and they have to ware masks and gloves and respect social distancing. It seems to me that those business that are opening, will find it hard to make ends meet, because they can serve very few clients, due to the social distancing rules, but they hope that soon they can serve more clients, so, they keep going and hoping for better times. Anyhow, I wonder how they are going to cope, especially those business that rely on tourists, because a lot of people work in these tourist venues.
Anyhow, I believe that during the lockdown the Italians have respected the directions that premier Giuseppe Conte has given them. So, they have done well until today, because there are already a few happenings that have not respected the social distancing rule in the streets, and this also applies to the politicians, because they have had an heated argument and the social distance rules were not respected. They were arguing about many things, but one that caught my attention was that they have promised so much money to the people, but the opposition are saying that the people have not seen any money yet. I wonder who is lying.
Today the 24th of May, this is the first week-end that the Italians can go out with some freedom, if they respect social distancing, but from what the news are telling us social distancing has not been observed in several places, so, they are worried about the outcome, let us hope that a second wave of this coronavirus disease does not come back to punish them. People must remember that the Spanish influenza killed a lot of people when it came back.
This is all for today, I am going to come back to talk about Italy in a couple of months, when we know, if they have succeeded in controlling the coronavirus. In next article, we are going to talk about, today’s problems in the world.
So, see you in a few days.