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Was It Political Football?

Updated on October 18, 2012

He Should Have Punted On First Down

He Was Offended?

So what if Obama is offended by any criticism aimed at his lackluster job performance and continued record of failure after failure. I had thought about fact checking Obama's outlandish statement during the second debate but there were too many fabrications and out right lies that even Stevie Wonder can see so instead I will focus on Libya and Obama's fumbling that football in the effort of playing political football with a subject that is rather serious - the death of four Americans. Ambassador Stevens and the other personnel providing him very limited security that day deserve better than what Obama has seen as a winning political hand.

Some people didn't watch the debate but when Mitt Romney questioned Obama and his administration's handling of the attack on the Benghazi consulate Obama got his panties in a twist and responded:

"And the suggestion that anybody in my team, whether the secretary of state, our U.N. ambassador, anybody on my team would play politics or mislead when we've lost four of our own, Governor, is offensive. That’s not what we do. That’s not what I do as president. That’s not what I do as commander in chief."

What I suspect is that it is the team captain, Barack Hussein Obama, who was calling the political play shots during the initial two plus weeks of the incident occurring. He can get as petulant as he wants but the facts speak clearly on what the plays are all about. He also said the buck stops with him so that's where I'm stopping it.

Obama has had time to play over 100 rounds of golf, go on 16 expensive vacations, campaign endlessly the last four years rather than lead and he wants to be what? Incensed? What I noticed and very few people seem to be mentioning is that Obama never answered the question that was asked that caused the exchange where he ended up with twisted panties. The question specifically asked, "WHO was responsible for denying the requests for increased security that were asked for prior to these attacks and why were they denied?" That question remains unanswered. Why didn't Obama actually answer the question?

For two whole weeks prior to Obama's admission that the Benghazi attack was a "terrorist" attack there were a number of things that occurred that were nothing but politically centered. That was two weeks, not the next day. They tried during that period to pin the tail on the film clip donkey first by sending Susan Rice out there on the following Sunday newsies proclaiming that the death of those Americans was attributable to protests over a ridiculous film clip not many people anywhere had ever even seen. No one on Team Obama has yet told the American people who sent her out there to spread that political fairy tale.

She Gave Us This Line Five Different Times That Day

Obama is good at not answering the necessary questions to arrive at the truth of any matter. Now we have four dead Americans and he thinks he's incensed? The day after in the Rose Garden he said the word "terrorist" but not that in the context he claimed. He said he called it a terrorist attack that day which he did not do at all. Mincing words is Obama's forte you see.

So then he flew off to first Las Vegas then Colorado to do what? Lead the nation from the nation's Capitol in a time of crisis? He never has before so why start now huh? He put politics in front of doing his job once again so go ahead and be incensed Obama. Like anyone really cares? It's the unsaid part of this whole situation that needs scrutiny. We still don't know what and when Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice knew about the attack. Obama refuses to answer that part of it yet he appeared before the United Nations and apologized for some film clip and blaming the whole thing on that film clip. So who was the "terrorist" in question Obama - the film clip maker? No appearance of politics given huh?

The Truth? Partially...

That clip was not too long ago while Obama was out campaigning. The consulate was attacked by Al Qaeda operatives. Might I suggest to our President, "That he stop trying to take his victory laps about bin Laden and Al Qaeda because they have the opposite effect on the terrorists you say are on the path of defeat." They will show anyone who wants to talk that trash just how misinformed they are. Seal Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, not Obama.

The fact is that Obama covered up reality as long as he could trying to make us all believe that Al Qaeda is in full retreat. Not by any means is that the case which isn't politically convenient for Obama since he has staked much on his "Osama bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is on the path to defeat. What these Islamic terrorists, who hate us intensely, just proved is that Obama is a bit misinformed. All across the MIddle East our diplomatic facilities were assaulted our flag torn down and burned and Al Qaeda flags raised. They seem to be gaining strength not losing it.

FACT: Yes Osama bin Laden is dead but Al qaeda, despite what Obama says, is still very much alive and hardly dead. These are terrorists. You can kill one and there will be two to replace the one. That's the nature of the beast we are fighting. Obama can't change any of that through appeasement.

From Obama on down this administration repeatedly put forth false information that Ambassador Stevens died because of some little scene YouTube clip gone haywire. Obama went to the UN with that pitch and made it. Now he wants to deny what he said or say he said something he never said? If that isn't misleading the American public and playing politics with the nation's security issues, then someone explain to me why not.

Then along the way answer the actual question when asked Obama. Who denied the additional security requested and why?

"Like" It, "Tweet" It, "Pin " It, "Share It" With Your Followers. Time to let em read it.

As Always,

The Frog Prince

Remember In November


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