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Was She Raped or He Was Framed?

Updated on June 21, 2020
Melusi Jeisal Ngwenya profile image

Melusi Jeisal Ngwenya has a bachelor's degree in social psychology and has been a fan of battle rap for years.

Considering a huge number of woman who have come forward with tales of abuse and sexual assault, one might think that the majority of men abuse and rape woman. The truth of the matter is it is only a small percentage of men that abuse woman but they manage to get away with it so they continue to torment woman. Considering the disproportionate number of men who are police officers, judges, magazine editors, movie directors, college administrators, and bosses. The people who shape how we think about gender and power and who decide how accusations are handled are far more likely to be men and they are likely to empathise with male abusers than female victims.

Judith Scott was raped at knife-point in 1983, and three years later picked a man called David Mulcahy out of an identification parade. But the procedure was compromised and the police were forced to release him. He was eventually arrested, more than 10 years later, after the notorious "railway rapist", John Duffy, identified him as his partner. By then, Mulcahy had raped at least 12 more women and killed three.

“It takes one rapist to commit a rape, but it takes a village to create an environment where it happens over and over.”

Thomas Millar

Apparently voices calling for woman to be lying about rape are louder than those calling for justice. Research shows that if it is her word against his word the jury is more likely to acquit. This mentality makes woman assume that reporting a rape case to the police is more like a waste of time. Many victims may try to forget about the rape. They may fear that they will not be believed if they tell someone, or they may not identify what happened as rape. Some victims are afraid to report an assault because they were drinking. Often, the victim does not ask for support or counselling as she struggles to recover from the assault.

It is an ugly reality, but it always happening people misusing the serious and sensetive charge of rape as a way to harm someone, vengeance, or due to mere regret of having sex with that particular person. The results of such a false accusation can be harmful even when the accused person is later on acquitted. Being accused of rape is every man's nightmare. A lot of people believe there is no smoke without fire, so when a young pretty girl comes out in tears saying she was raped it is easy to buy her story

"she had a cute face and a smooth voice that hid her wicked heart"

Sadly, women know that they will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist if they are caught lying about domestic or sexual assault allegations. Also, women know they can ruin any guy's life by simply making up stories to the police. Domestic and sexual assault are the only crimes that require just a word of mouth for someone to be convicted. They are rarely, if ever, even investigated. Even if the police drop the charges and the allegations aren't released to the media, the man is financially ruined due to lawyer fees.

They need to introduce a false accusation registry. The minimum punishment should be a mandatory lawsuit for damages to reputation and defamation of character, along with being registered as a false accuser. At the very most, they should get the exact same prison sentence the accused would have got, if they were found guilty. That will make these women who lie think twice before ruining a mans life.

It seems like the men's right to be innocent before proven guilty have been taken away by political correctness. Women have been handed a weapon without consequences. And they use it with all the cold fury and malice born of hell. That behaviour needs to stop and there should be some form of accountability. Furthermore the degree of malicious intent should be sufficient to have this classified as a crime over and above just filing a false police report. The consequences for the victim go far far beyond just losing some money. There is a lot of cases where these evil false accusation of rape costed man overnight visitations rights for their children.


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