How You Can Save Water and or Recycle it
South Africa A Drought Plagued Nation
On reading HubSub Urban Mom's Hub on draught in California, I am reminded of the plight we in South Africa have every so often, as in the bible sometimes we had that seven year spells.
Even if we are not susceptible to draughts, that is no excuse for not using it wisely, and conservation also means recycling water usage.
Every person can make a difference and be aware of their usage, being aware makes one receptive in the ways that we can actually get a second usage, particuluarly those of us that are fortunate to live in houses.
Keeping your Garden Green
The major area, that always, affects us is our gardens, not so. We have spent a lot of time effort and money to have our gardens. Some of us, I can think of several Hubers, that do have gardens, both flower abd vegetable gardens.
It is a form of relaxation, as well as for the vegetables, indeed is a major source of cost savings.
What some of us have done
We have all gone through the same gambits of what we can and wont do.
On the lighter side
Shower with your significant other half, it saves water and brings you closer together!
But on the more serious side, none of us really want to have restrictions imposed on us becouse the Powers. The Powers are the ones to blame, becouse of their lack of forsight and budgetary cutbacks, have not foreseen this situation, we need to do something and we have to pay for it, one way or another.
So what do we do
In South Africa, all of our water outlets from the house, with the exception of the water closets, toilets, come out and run into a drain. This in turn then runs down and joins up with the sewerage, and goes in for recycling, like all the civilised countries in the world.
Now these outlet pionts are accessible, so that you can unblock them if neeeds be. The diameter of this is the same size, over here, as a creepy crawly, or some such pool cleaners.
Why all the preamble, i will tell you.
Connect a creepy crawly hose to all of your water outlets, on the other end , take a pair of used socks, panty hose or even an old flour bag, and attach it a hose clamp.
The hoses can be laid out to water, were you need it.
By using the outlets from the washing Machines and dish washers, and routing them to your vegie patch, you will find a lot less pests and insects on your vegies,
So you then are making good use of your water.
Less of it going wasted.
The sock, panty hose or material
That was to capture any of the solid and fatty deposits that cane down with the water.
This then you simply empty and replace or rinse out and re use, as frequently as possible.
The other advantage of using those plastic hoses is that firstly you dont have to get something special as cracked and leaking hoses work fine, secondly if your friends and neighbours do not have a pool, you can pass over your surplace.
In the end this is some plastic that wont ed up in the land fill.