"What Difference Does The Truth Make?"
Depends On Who Needs To Know?
Billary Clinton finally got to sit in the Benghazi hot seat yesterday and it wasn't generally a moving performance. Though her crassness and a bit of self-rightrous indignation did surface at one point when being questioned by Senator Ron Johnson. She puffed up like a porcupine and wanted to know :what difference does it make" at this point to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I actually expect such a question from anyone with the last name of "Clinton." Afterall she remains married to Billy Bob Joe Ray himself.
It has been over four and a half months since Benghazi went down and we, the American people, still don't know the truth. The whole attitude in Washington DC seems to center around attitudes like Billary's. It doesn't matter that the American people were misled from the get-go by the entire Obama circle concerning this matter. We don't deserve the truth? Is that what you are saying Billary?
What difference does it make huh? It may make a big difference to the families and friends of the 4 Americans who sacrificed their lives that fateful night. They don't deserve the truth? Why was the gross negligence that is written all over this fiasco not important and we still don't know who actually didn't do their jobs during the hours in question?
There is still the shuffle about the "video" and that whole smoke and mirrors routine exercised by Obama and Susan Rice for weeks on end. I'm sure no one believes that anymore except the actors involved in the play. The deception and truth dodging continues coming out of the White House. Hillary cut her DC eye teeth during the Watergate affair so she knows a coverup when she sees it and knows perfectly well how to perpetrate one. You kids not old enough to know this sort of thing need to pay attention. She was a staffer on the Watergate impeachment inquiry board back when. Why heavens to Betsy with thousands of our service members dying in Nam why would anyone want to concern herself with a second rate bungled burglary attempt?
What difference did it make?
Typical Pompous Clinton Attitude
The fact is that there are 4 dead Americans who were murdered and the stonewalling by this administration has lasted for 4 and a half months. The lying and coverup strategy has run its course and it is well past time that We, the American people know the truth. The only person in jail is the film maker who had nothing to do with the murders even though they wanted us to believe otherwise.
So yes there is a difference. There is a huge difference.
As Always,
The Frog Prince