Decorum: A Lost Art
Why is it OK?
Beautiful girls and young ladies across the country are being called "ho" "whore" "slut" and other names. It is not what you think though. It seems that this is a term of endearment now! When did being called a slut become a wonderful thing?
I remember liking to be called friend, smart, nice, sweet, helpful, and such, but now it is OK to call your best friend be-atch. Not something I would think was a nice thing to say.
I got on FaceBook and saw a girl had called my daughter a slut. I told her that it was not nice and when did it become a term of endearment? Instead of a clever come-back my daughter got a message from this friend saying that I hate the friend. I don't even know this girl. I just want to know why it is necessary to be offensive.
Instead of my daughter finding a way to explain my comments to her friend, she got mad at ME for feeling upset that she had been called that offensive term. My daughter does not see my point, that it is an indirect insult to me by her friend calling her by terms like this. She is my daughter and therefore a reflection of those things that I have done to teach her to be a good young woman. So, when she accepts being called "ho" or worse then she is telling other people that I did not do a good job teaching her good from bad, offensive from acceptable.
What has gotten into the brains of these young women now? Little 8 year old girls want to wear high heel shoes and belly shirts, 12 year olds want to have steady boyfriends, and 14 year old girls want to have babies. Where did the innocence go? Where did self respect go? When did we lose those things that we learned as children?
I have never called anyone by their last name, let alone an insulting comment as a compliment. I am concerned with the way that our world is leading. We have the entitlement generation melded with the offensive generation. It is apparently alright to tell a girl she looks like a slut. She's likely to smile and thank you!
Thanks to the media, the costumes in the stores, and the lack of respect of our youth, who knows what our future leaders will be? I fear that those who will be chosen in even the next 15 years will not have the proper education and respect to deal with other nations, with other cultures because they have no decorum.
It is sad to see how different the world has become just from when I was 22 years old just 26 years ago. A generation is all it takes to remove polite, respectful adults and replace them with offensive careless young adults.
To call my child a slut is to say I am the mother of a slut, and I am truly not.