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Trump took and oath

Updated on December 24, 2018

Trump thinks he is above laws that were created for all

January 20/2018 the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump took a solemn oath with his hand placed on a family bible and the bible Abraham Lincoln placed his hand to protect and defend America. Trump swore to protect defend and serve the office of the president of the United States of America, to his best ability like many other presidents before him. Trump has to realize that he works for all Americas and the people, not just himself and his family. Trump can't single-handedly run America ,knowing more than anyone with no experiences.without understanding what it takes to be a leader.

The president has no intention of listening to anyone except himself and that's dangerous for America.Do Trump valve the constutition of the United States? No.

When Jeff Session was let go Trump violated the constitution by appointing Matthew Whitaker to be the next Attorney General without confirmation The president does want he wants because he is the president, his words are the only one that matters.

Trump main agenda was to destroy any document that Obama signed into law with the Republican agreeing. He went after Obama care promising he would get rid of regardless of how it affected Americans.

Every opportunity he got he bashed Obama, accusing the former president of wiretapping his hotel. Trump has never lived up to the constitution of the United States breaking laws with the Republican Party looking the other way. Being President Trump believes that laws don't apply to him.

The president is turning other countries against American because of his lying, attitude and his unwillingness to listen, he knows more than anyone.

Under the leadership of President, Trump America is being ripped apart, by a president who doesn't seem to care. Hate crimes have increased and racism against blacks, jewels, and Muslims are on the rise since Trump was elected president.

Trump has no regard for human life, When Jamal Khashoggi a journalist was murdered in Saudia Arabia, Trump job was to find out what happens to Khashoggi and hold the Crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman, responsible for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. The President believed the Crown Prince over his own Secret Servicemen. Trump was asked said, he said I asked him if he did it, he said he didn't do it maybe'he did it and maybe he didn't.

In 1989 Central Park-five was accused of gang-raping a white jogger, they were convicted and jailed for a crime they didn't commit. Donald Trump wanted to bring back the death penalty executing these five young Black men, for a crime they didn't commit. Why is the President of the United States Afraid to omit that the Crown Prince was behind the death of Jamal Khashoggi?


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