What the Haiti quake, Gulf oil spill and 9-11 have in common: Pt2
Oil Spill:
The serious effects from coming into contact with oil had been downplayed by both BP and the Exxon Valdez, the latter being responsible for the 1989 oil spill in Alaska, but the dangers are very real.
Kindra Arnesen’s husband (1), both living in Louisiana, was on a shrimping trip during the time of the oil spill. He phoned his wife to tell her he was feeling sick and it wasn’t just him. He witnessed people from seven other shrimping vessels getting sick, one draped over the side of the vessel throwing up.
Tony Hayward (2), the then CEO of BP, had his own theory why people were getting sick:
“Food poisoning is clearly a big issue,” he said. “It’s something we’ve got to be very mindful of.”
However, Ricki Ott, a marine toxicologist writes:
“Local fishermen hired to work on BP’s uncontrolled oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico are scared and confused. Fishermen here and in other small communities dotting the southern marshes and swamplands of Barataria Bay are getting sick from the working on the cleanup, yet BP is assuring them they don’t need respirators or other special protection from the crude oil, strong hydrocarbon vapors, or chemical dispersants being sprayed in massive quantities on the oil slick.
Fishermen had never seen the results from the air-quality monitoring patches some of them wore on their rain gear when they were out booming and skimming the giant oil slick. However, more and more fishermen suffered from bad headaches, burning eyes, persistent coughs, sore throats, stuffy sinuses, nausea, and dizziness. They started to suspect that BP was not telling them the truth.(3)
And based on air monitoring conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a Louisiana coastal community, those workers seemed to be correct. The EPA findings showed that airborne levels of toxic chemicals like hydrogen sulphide, and volatile organic compounds like benzene, for instance, far exceeded safety standards for human exposure.”
Not only had BP not been forthright but they had blatantly endangered the lives of those fisherman/cleaners deliberately. For some strange reason, BP didn’t allow cleaners to wear respirators with the result people were getting sick, some coughing up blood (4). They say it wasn’t necessary. In fact, workers were threatened with dismissal should they wear respirators.
Merle Savage (5) was a volunteer worker of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. She was assigned to clean the rocks that were oil-coated but Exxon never provided legitimate safety training, therefore she didn’t think twice about spraying hot water over the rocks. She didn’t realize the danger of inhaling the oil fumes.
It wasn’t long until she started feeling dizziness and believed she had contracted the ‘flu since the workers were housed in close quarters. Eventually, she developed these symptoms: cirrhosis of the liver, rheumatoid arthritis, diarrhoea and respiratory problems.
Ricki Ott, the marine toxicologist specializing in oil pollution said to her that respiratory and central nervous system problems are common among oil spill cleanup workers.
Exxon did a “Tony Hayward” and said that cleaners were only suffering from the ‘flu.
Those in Louisiana reported burning, itching skin with lesions. People were coughing up blood and were suffering from nosebleeds. Other symptoms included aching bones, weight loss, stomach pains and styes in the eyes.
Micha Walsh was a Gulf Coast volunteer in Grand Isle for four weeks and received heavy toxic exposure due to her three hour research trip at Barataria Bay collecting water samples. She says that the news reports that there was no oil to be seen were false and that the Barataria Bay area of south Louisiana was heavily oiled.
One of the researchers was soon coughing up blood.
In the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks, the White House instructed the EPA to mislead the public into believing that the air was safe to breathe. Many first responders to the disaster didn’t think there was any danger to their health (6) and have subsequently died or have fallen ill.
The dust from the collapsed towers was extremely toxic, according to air pollution expert and University of California David Professor Emeritus Thomas Cahill. It consisted of thousands of tons of toxic debris with more than 2500 contaminants, which included asbestos, lead and mercury as well as unprecedented levels of dioxin and PAHs from the fires that burned for three months. These can trigger kidney, heart, liver and nervous system deterioration. All this was known to the EPA at the time of the collapse. The EPA was also responsible for not telling the public about the toxicity of the dispersants BP used to disperse the oil in the Gulf, as you may recall.
NYPD member, Cesar Borja, developed pulmonary fibrosis. Health effects also extended to some residents, students and office workers of Lower Manhattan and nearby Chinatown.
The most serious of all the ailments is cancer. Seventy five recovery workers at Ground Zero have been diagnosed with blood cell cancers that about six doctors and epidemiologists have confirmed as most likely being caused by the exposure.
Oil Spill:
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was accused by local environmentalists and fishermen of being complicit in covering up bad news. The NOAA issued a report claiming that tests of 600 fish caught in waters “near the edge of the oil” had proven negative for chemical toxins. The fishermen say, however, that was ridiculous because there were no fish in the waters in the oil zone or near it.
Reputable sources said that BP had been spraying a bleaching agent on Louisiana’s beaches at night to make it appear as if it had been cleaned up.
Probably the most insane thing was BP’s recovery plan which included naming dead people as responsible parties and plans to save the walruses and seals. I’m still trying to figure out if they were playing the fool or if they really did think walruses and seals frequented the Gulf.
If the disaster was not so devastatingly tragic, these lies (7) would be considered hysterically funny. These people in power treat the public as if they have an IQ of 10. Probably one of the worst and craziest lie about this disaster was the FBI’s claim that they had found one of the hijacker’s passports that had miraculously survived the crash of the plane and ensuing inferno. It wasn’t even singed. That is how the FBI knew that Arabs were involved. Funny! There were no Arab passengers on the planes that went into the World Trade Centre, according to the passenger list. And the owner of the passport is still alive. Many of the “hijackers” are actually alive and well and the FBI has not bothered to amend the list.
The FBI also knew that the hijackers were trained to fly planes. Their proof? One of the hijackers had left one of their suitcases behind at the airport and inside was a training manual on how to fly a plane. A list of the 19 hijackers was also found in the luggage but six are still alive.
Oil Spill:
When ever there is a war or when one country has wrong another, be rest assured, the parties involved are never against one another, but are merely just two sides of the same coin. An example of this is BP’s love affair with the Minerals Management Service (MMS), the US government watchdog of the oil industry. They did everything together, from sleeping with one another to sniffing lines of cocaine on their desks.
So deep was their love, the Interior Department (8) exempted BP’s drilling operation in the Gulf from a detailed environmental impact analysis last year, according to government documents. Three reviews of the area concluded that the oil spill was unlikely.
The excuse for the MMS’s decision to give BP a categorical exclusion from the Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) on April 6, 2009 and the fact BP lobbied for 11 days before the explosion to expand those exemptions, was that neither the MMS nor BP anticipated such a huge spill. That is just plain pathetic and wrong. It suggests that they were colluding together. It is my opinion that this oil rig explosion was deliberately caused for the political ramifications are significant and nothing in politics is coincidental, according to Franklin D Roosevelt.
Now the enemy of the United States and the CIA is supposed to be Al Qaeda, namely Osama bin Laden but it is a known fact that bin Laden is a former CIA agent and that Bush is great friends with the bin Laden family.
On November 2, 2001, the French newspaper Le Figaro reported that while Osama bin Laden was in a Dubai hospital (9) receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection in July of that year, he was met with a top CIA official, presumably the chief of station. It took place in his private suite at the American hospital in Dubai at the same time Osama was wanted for the bombings of two US embassies and the attack on the USS Cole. He was even eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before he left office, but on July 14th, 2001, he was allowed to leave Dubai and there was no American resistance to that.
In January of 2001, the Bush Administration had ordered the FBI and intelligence agencies to “back off” investigations involving the bin Laden family, which included two of bin Laden’s relatives, Omar and Abdullah. Those two were living in Falls Church, Va, which happened to be situated right next to CIA headquarters.