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Which Way America????

Updated on January 23, 2013
The Eagle, a symbol used by America and in the Bible for strength and courage.   Our Founding Fathers did not choose the eagle as our nation's symbol by chance!
The Eagle, a symbol used by America and in the Bible for strength and courage. Our Founding Fathers did not choose the eagle as our nation's symbol by chance!
At one time, this would have been a common image!  With God's Word, our nation cannot fail!
At one time, this would have been a common image! With God's Word, our nation cannot fail!
Amen!      One Nation Under GOD!   This country needs to believe this again!!!!
Amen! One Nation Under GOD! This country needs to believe this again!!!!

I have been debating publishing this hub for a long time, but decided now was the time to do so. This country is in big trouble and anybody that thinks otherwise either has their head stuck in the sand or doesn't care. I, for one, love this country and to see what it is becoming is heartbreaking! A nation that is turning away from God everyday…a nation that accepts sin as a way of life, ignoring the laws of God that made this country great at the beginning…now allowing same sex marriages, abortion, greed and immorality at every turn…all the things God in His Wisdom warned would destroy us. Did we listen…yes, we did when this country started and that was because this nation was led by GODLY men and women, who knew the Truth and had the courage to stand by it! The Founding Fathers, great men that knew the key to building a country such as the United States!

But now, it is the opposite. There is so much corruption, greed, unethical behavior, etc. and even when discovered, it is tolerated! Immorality is rampant…sex and bribery right out in the open and it is accepted as normal business. Who is at fault?...certainly the politicians we elect to look out for us have some share of the blame, but truthfully, it is our fault too, the American people, who keep electing and backing these people! So, my question again is…Which Way America? Which way are we going to go in the future? The choice is ours and it is simple…turn back to God and follow Him, and have His blessings, protection, and power once more upon this country so it will again prosper and be a beacon of light for the world, or continue to turn away from God and continue down the path to destruction.

Our nation began this motto, but today, certain groups are trying to remove it ENTIRELY from our culture!   Huge mistake!
Our nation began this motto, but today, certain groups are trying to remove it ENTIRELY from our culture! Huge mistake!
Amen, and He will if we repent and turn back to Him!
Amen, and He will if we repent and turn back to Him!
Abraham Lincoln - a true American leader!
Abraham Lincoln - a true American leader!

AMERICA'S STRONG FOUNDATION - Christian Principles, Prayer, and the Bible

As the caption clearly says, our great nation was built on Christian Principles by God fearing men and women! Something sure changed in the last 200 years...that is obvious!

What made our country so great were the men and women, our history’s most well-liked and best leaders, who knew the answer…They knew from the very beginning that for this country to prosper and grow strong, they couldn’t do it alone, and they were correct! But with God at the 'helm', anything was possible and from a historical standpoint, the tiny rebellion called the Revolutionary War, brought the most powerful nation at that time, England, to its knees! Miracle...yes...a surprise, not really. Any nation that is in God's Will can never be defeated. The Bible promises this and it is proven by history. The Bible illustrates this over and over...powerful nations and civilizations throughout Biblical times were defeated by small groups and even single people with God's might behind them. Egypt was defeated by a single man, Moses, that led the nation of Israel out of bondage to the promised land. It is the Truth and history backs it up!

Over 200 years ago, this nation's greatest leaders realized that without God, this country would never prosper. Until God was practically thrown out of everything, this country thrived and was blessed over every other nation on this planet. Just look at history...there is the proof! This nation’s greatest presidents were no strangers to prayer, something TODAY’S leaders should learn from them! Take a look at some of our great leaders and their thoughts, in their own words, believed and PRACTICED in their lives! Today’s leaders need to do the same!!!

Some of our GREATEST leaders - Bible Thumpers!

Lessons learned early in the past...lessons mostly ignored today!  It isn't too late!
Lessons learned early in the past...lessons mostly ignored today! It isn't too late!
The American citizens want their country back too!!!!
The American citizens want their country back too!!!!
No wonder our beginning leadership knew what to do to start a nation!
No wonder our beginning leadership knew what to do to start a nation!
Perhaps our GREATEST President - General Washington praying during the Revolutionary War.  No wonder we call him the Father of our Nation!
Perhaps our GREATEST President - General Washington praying during the Revolutionary War. No wonder we call him the Father of our Nation!

Our Founding Fathers Aren't Alone - We Want Our Country Back Too!

Even now, this country is still blessed, but the signs of that blessedness ending are evident. God, prayer, the Bible...all present when this country began and practiced, in Congress and evident in all government entities made this nation from a small, new nation into the strongest in the world! And now, it is the opposite...Congress and politician practically spit on God and the Bible! It was on these Biblical principles and beliefs that allowed our country to remain a major power for two centuries! What arrogance our current leaders have!!!! Thank God, the Founders knew the Truth of God’s Word and followed it!

Now, groups like the ACLU and others practically spit on the Bible, God, and on our Constitution. The Ten Commandments are no longer in our public schools, prayer is practically a crime if caught praying in a school, having a Bible at school has caused some students to be suspended or worse.

Our Founding Fathers would be turning over in their graves if they could see how this country is being run today. The Constitution is being misused or ignored completely, violated and twisted to serve private agendas. Government spending is out of control, the working people being driven to their knees by a government run by lobbyists and the wealthy! The Constitution was designed to prevent this abusive kind of power, but as stated, the Constitution is just shoved aside a lot of the time or interpreted completely wrong!

What even happened to a government OF the People, BY the People, or FOR the People! I don't see that fact, I see the opposite. Now, the People are Of the government, By the government, and FOR the government. Think it was Rush Limbaugh who is coining that phrase. We are becoming government pawns...we work for them, not the way it was supposed to be, the government working for the citizen! What the heck happened??

We don’t need to look very far since the answer is plain as day. Can this country turn back to the way it was started? Can we regain the respect and admiration of a hurting world that we once had for decades? Can our citizens be proud of their nation once again and not fear that their own government may betray them at any moment, or be the cause of so much suffering and sorrow? Trust in government used to be evident, but now it is mostly mistrust and suspicion….cover-ups being revealed all the time, downright lies being told to the American people by our leaders, even our own President…scandal in high office and much more we probably don’t know. Trusting our government, when things like this continue to happen and nothing is done when the wrongdoing is discovered, is impossible. Respect and trust are earned, and sadly, those two qualities government once had are nearly gone. The unrest in this country is clear evidence of that…demonstrations and even worse that began in the late 60’s are growing in number and size every year. Wake up America…our pain is plain to see!

Many of today's problems in America!
Many of today's problems in America!
When things go wrong, it is usually the innocent that pay the price!
When things go wrong, it is usually the innocent that pay the price!
Child abuse - a national tragedy
Child abuse - a national tragedy
Terrorism - even our enemies know this country's weaknesses and are determined to destroy us completely!
Terrorism - even our enemies know this country's weaknesses and are determined to destroy us completely!

Our Country is in its Death Throes!

I recall a song I heard when I was in high school sung by the group, "Up With People" Some of you may recall them... a popular musical group of young patriots in the late 1960's and early 1970's. They sung many partriotic songs, such as “Paul Revere's Ride”, “Which Way America”, “This Land is Your Land”, etc. The song "Which Way America” was sung over 40 years ago, precisely at the time this country began its wayward journey away from God and turning its back on the simple truths this country began with. Now, almost 50 years later, this country is in serious trouble. Even Sharia law is creeping into this country's legal system!!! What? How can that be? Killing innocent babies in the womb is accepted and common…nothing but murder in God’s view! Wake up America!

What is the problem...SIMPLE! This country has turned its back on the principles this country was founded on...CHRISTIAN principles and whoever says that is not true, well, just do some research on the Founding Fathers of this great nation and see for yourself! In other words, this country turned its back on God and now we are paying the price for that huge mistake! We began this country with Bible believing Christians that took the Word of God seriously and sought His wisdom constantly! The result: this nation prospered and grew strong in a very short period of time, becoming the world's greatest power ever! Accident or fate? No way! By following and obeying God, He blessed this country beyond comprehension. The Founders knew this basic truth and with prayer, humbleness, and a dedication to serve God, God made this country great. God rewarded these great men’s faithfulness over and over as history clearly shows.

It is time for our country to return to its roots before we destroy it completely!
It is time for our country to return to its roots before we destroy it completely!
Two choices - ignore God as we are now doing.  OR, follow the examples of our beginnings...return to God and prosperity!
Two choices - ignore God as we are now doing. OR, follow the examples of our beginnings...return to God and prosperity!
Sharia Law in America?   Impossible?   You would be shocked  at what is being allowed to influence the U.S. courts!
Sharia Law in America? Impossible? You would be shocked at what is being allowed to influence the U.S. courts!
Which Way America?  The choice is ours!
Which Way America? The choice is ours!
All Americans need to take the Pledge of Allegiance to GOD and our country!
All Americans need to take the Pledge of Allegiance to GOD and our country!

What is the Answer???

The answer to our nations’ problems is simple as well. This country, in its arrogance and foolishness, took out the very element that promised, yes PROMISED security, peace, and abundant prosperity.

As stated in Psalms 33:12 - "Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord."

Simple and true! A fact!

The Bible states this clearly and history backs it up! Every nation that put God in His proper place, prospered....and when/if that country turned away, disaster was soon to follow. Over and over, throughout the centuries, history shows this fact! The answer to ALL of our problems is in the Bible! It is in black and white…it is TRUE and if we turn back and put God back in His rightful place in our lives, blessings will flow abundantly! This is a PROMISE of ALMIGHTY GOD!! How foolish to turn our backs on a GUARANTEE!

If you had the winning lottery ticket with all 6 numbers that would win you $20 million dollars, would you throw it away or ignore it? Most likely not..that would be foolish! But ignoring God’s answer to the healing of a nation and turning it once again into the greatest nation on earth, is just as foolish! God has the answer to ALL of this country’s problems….ALL of THEM! The choice is easy..either turn back to God or not! The choice is ours.

Our own country is now at a crossroads like so many in history have been. Let's not repeat the paths some of those civilizations chose. The path we choose is entirely our decision…God will not force us to follow Him like we used to, but if we do, He promises to bless us once again and bring us the peace, happiness, and security we all desperately need!

So, America, Which Way are we going to go?????

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please join me in prayer for this hurting country, and especially for our elected leaders. They need our support and our prayers, but unless they see the Truth and turn this country around, well, our future is bleak. I love this country and pray our officials nationally and locally will be shown the truth by God, repent and stand up and do what is right. It isn't too late, not yet!

God Bless all of us and may 2013 be the year of real change!


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