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Whistle Blower in Trump's White House

Updated on September 20, 2019

The Next Scandal

There was no Russian collusion, at least, not enough was found in the Mueller report to prosecute Trump on. There was obstruction, but the Democrats can't seem to have guts to go after Trump yet. Maybe the fear of it all backfiring is the reason because the American people seem disinterested or the case is weak for a sure win.

But things are changing.

During a President Trump phone call to a Ukrainian official, one of many "listeners" to the call, became a whistle blower and filed a report as to what he heard. The person was shocked hearing President Trump allude to a "this for that" type bribe. You see, for some time, Trump has been holding back the $250 million in aid for this future NATO member and up to now, no reason was given.

Trump was holding back the aid money hoping to get a "deal" with the Ukraine, that in exchange for the $250 million, Ukrainian officials would agree to investigate the corruption in the government. While on its face, nothing appears wrong or illegal until Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, admitted that he went there at the direction of Trump to investigate the same issue but focusing on Joe Biden and his questionable interference with the Ukraine's investigation of his son who had received millions working in an Ukraine energy company.

In effect, Trump is worried that he might lose to Biden in 2020 and since he is the front runner, Trump is hoping to find enough dirt on Biden to sink his nomination. Rudy is not a WH staff attorney, but Trump's one of many private attorney to fight one investigation or in releasing his taxes. It just makes one think just how criminal this Trump is, if he is so willing to fight so hard. What is he trying to hide? Must be bad.

In essence, Trump is trying to bribe the Ukraine to look into the Biden episode, which appears suspicious when he was VP. Biden did try to interfere with the Ukrainian prosecutor's investigation of Biden's son and the money he got, which was quite a lot. Biden claims his son was not reason for his actions then. At some point, the prosecutor, indeed was dismissed, and another, more favorable to Biden, was appointed to the case. The case then was suddenly dropped. The explanation was lack of evidence. Even Trump haters should pause here if they are planning to vote for Biden. It looks as bad as it did with Trump and Russia, or now with Saudi Arabia.

Hunter Biden, was earning $50K a month as one of the directors of Burisma in the Ukraine. He looked for entities that had influence in American foreign policy. The owner of Burisma, went into exile after facing corruption charges. Joe Biden admitted in 2018, how he threatened to pull $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. For Joe, Hunter, his son, was a conflict of interest and Hunter should not have been on the Burisma board because of his father's VP status. Once can easily see how collusion can occur. Joe Biden claims he did not know his son was on the board of Burisma at that time, very hard to believe. Hunter claims he never discussed Burisma issues with his dad in 2014+, although, being a natural gas firm hoping to gain favor with a U.S. administration for business, it is hard to believe since father and son were close.

Officially, the Ukraine has now said they will "re-open" the Biden investigation once Trump officially requests it. I guess they really want that $250 million. The blaring issue is that Trump is bullying the Ukraine to re-open the investigation by threatening to withhold the $250 million hoping to smear his Democratic opponent, Biden. Perhaps, Trump should give them the money as "request as a favor" to re-open the Biden case.

Both Trump and Biden are in bad light in today's political climate. The Biden situation is disturbing and smacks of another bribe-like thing. Ukraine wanted that billion dollar loan badly but to get it they had to fire the prosecutor investigating Biden's son.



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