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Who does run the world - Can you say Rothschild?

Updated on September 21, 2012

CJ Sledgehammer, asked me the following in a comments box on one of my hubs:

Come out of WHAT My people?

"You made a prediction for 2012 by stating that there will be, "substantial political upheaval as folk wake up to who actually runs this world...."

You may be right, but who do you think "actually runs this world"?

I have my own theories, but would love to hear yours."

Your brother in Christ - C.J. Sledgehammer

Here I am going to give you my slant on who actually runs this world.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild
Nathan Mayer Rothschild | Source
Excerpt from The Times on Thursday 22nd June 1815, a full four days after the battle took place.
Excerpt from The Times on Thursday 22nd June 1815, a full four days after the battle took place. | Source

The day that changed the world

It was the morning of what became known as 'The Battle of Waterloo' which was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, and Napoleon was preparing to engage Wellington in what became the decisive battle of the 1800's, and the final battle he fought.

About 350 miles away in London, England a nervous Crown and Parliament awaited the outcome, but also the City stood still.

If Napoleon won, then England was in serious danger again, and stock values would fall.

If Wellington won, then Napoleon was no longer a threat to British trade and supremacy, and prices would soar.

One man, part of a banking family that provided the gold to pay for Wellington's army, and that bought the allegiances that provided the cannon fodder for wars, a man by the name of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, also awaited news of the outcome, however, as his family had agents all over Europe, this man had a distinct advantage, for he would receive the news of the outcome a full day before England herself found out.

There are two versions concerning what happened next.

One contends that Nathan Rothschild, having his superior (to the Crowns) intelligence service, rushed from hearing the news of Napoleons defeat to the Palace, and informed the Crown of the defeat, but they refused to believe him.

This version comes from the Rothschild's private research.

The second tells of Nathan Rothschild standing at the 'Rothschild' pillar in the English Stock Exchange looking downcast, and selling his stock positions.

That forced a panic in the market, and much as 15%-20% of the value of the stocks fell in about three hours. After they had fallen so low, Rothschild turned around and began buying.

It is said that he knew all along that the Duke of Wellington had defeated Napoleon and that the British market would go up. And when the official news came the next day that the British had won, the market went up 1000 points, making Rothschild even wealthier.

In either event, the Rothschild's made a fortune and ended up controlling the British economy and whether the Rothschild's version is correct, and their fortune was based upon providing the funding for the British Army, or the alternative version is correct, and their fortune was based upon criminal deception, the fact remains that after that event, the Rothschild's ruled the City and had strong influence over the Royal Crown of Great Britain.

From that day forward, they only grew richer and stronger.

In today's world, knowledge is power, and this article is written on a computer that is more powerful than the computers used throughout WW2, and delivered via the internet in seconds to your screen.

Nathan Rothschild had the 1815 equivalent, his network of financial spy's were primed to get him the result of the battle back faster than the British army were capable of doing, and it is said that his agents watched the battle and set off to give him the information well before 'The Honourable H. Percy' reached British shores to report.

In fact Wellington only sat to write his dispatch on the Monday after the battle had been won, (Rothschild's men were well on the way by then) then Percy was further delayed when the sloop he was travelling in got 'becalmed' in the middle of the English Channel, and the Honourable gent needed to put his Eton College rowing experience to work in order to reach Englands shores at all, finally arriving at Broadstairs, where Percy took a 'post-chaise-and-four' bound for London.

He arrived at Downing Street at 10pm on the night of the 21st, it is known that Nathan Rothschild had the information early morning on the 20th, the news broke in the Times on the 22nd.

Those few hours lead time gave Nathan Rothschild all the time he needed to first crash the market with his quiet but evident selling of 'consuls' (bonds which provided income payments in perpetuity), then when the market was down to the lowest point, equally quietly buying them back up.

Two versions, you decide...

Afghanistan's offence may have been pinned on them harbouring Bin Laden, but there was also the more viable fact that they interfered with, namely that the US wish to control a major pipeline they need, which happens to run through Afghanistan.

On February 12, 1998, John J. Maresca, vice president, international relations for UNOCAL oil company, testified before the US House of Representatives, Committee on International Relations. Maresca provided information to Congress on Central Asia oil and gas reserves and how they might shape US foreign policy. UNOCAL's problem? As Maresca said: "How to get the region's vast energy resources to the markets." The oil reserves are in areas north of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Routes for a pipeline were proposed that would transport oil on a 42-inch pipe southward thru Afghanistan for 1040 miles to the Pakistan coast. Such a pipeline would cost about $2.5 billion and carry about 1 million barrels of oil per day.

Maresca told Congress then that: "It's not going to be built until there is a single Afghan government. That's the simple answer."



Gadhafi’s plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars — demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” (a single African currency made from gold) — was the real cause. The regime, sitting on massive amounts of gold, estimated at close to 150 tons, was also pushing other African and Middle Eastern governments to follow suit.

And it literally had the potential to bring down the dollar and the world monetary system by extension, according to analysts. French President Nicolas Sarkozyreportedly went so far as to call Libya a “threat” to the financial security of the world. The “Insiders” were apparently panicking over Gadhafi’s plan.

"Any move such as that would certainly not be welcomed by the power elite today, who are responsible for controlling the world's central banks,” noted financial analyst Anthony Wile, editor of the free market-oriented Daily Bell, in an interview with RT. “So yes, that would certainly be something that would cause his immediate dismissal and the need for other reasons to be brought forward [for] removing him from power."


Whichever version is true, there is no doubt that the Rothschild's have wielded, and continue to wield, far too much power over world governments through their control of Central banking, which they have more or less singularly inflicted on our planets inhabitants.

Trying to usurp this family is a dangerous task to undertake, as many world leaders have found out to their peril, as they tend to get assassinated when they suggest that their nation should control a debt free currency.

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran

Notice any common denominator for those countries?

By the close of 2011, there were only three countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran

The others had all been subjected to internal strife and/or regime change, completed or in progress as we stand now in February 2012.

It should be borne in mind that Afghanistan is not a simple country to conquer, as the British, Russians and possibly the Americans have worked out.

A fiercely independent country based upon tribal boundaries, the Afghan will stand defiant to the last man when outsiders attempt to constrain them.

Mores the pity that the rest of humanity does not contain such vehement opposition to foreign intervention.

Iran is another country that has managed to throw off the yoke of foreign involvement, and is also at risk because it has oil, and defiance to international bankers and oil companies.

Long managed by the fundy nutters that sprang from the Ayatollahs mindset, the Iranians have already thrown out western manipulation of their country, fought the Iraqi's to a standstill and are standing off against the Americans as I write.

The inevitable invasion seems to be building up, but it is yet to be seen whether anything short of nuking them back to the stone age will beat them.

Cuba will probably fall when Castro dies, and his inheritors see the writing on the wall.

North Korea is a whole different ballgame, nuclear power, close to Japan, striking distance of many strategic interests and posseors of a fanatical army brainwahsed into dying to fight the cause they have been indoctrinated into.

The first attempt to subdue them was a miserable failure, though America did manage to segregate half the country, the next one could be interesting.

You see global currency control and submissive world governments surrendering their sovereign rights are essential to the New World Orders plan for Global Government.

So do the Rothschild's actually run the world?

I guess if we work by percentile rates, the answer would be YES as they hold an estimated 60% of the worlds assets (mainly gold) in their possession, but that's just a guess, and as they are the most secretive folk on earth, we may never know until and unless they are exposed and examined.

But that is unlikely to happen, because beneath (quite literally) the Rothschild's empirical rule, where they influence what's going to happen by royal decree and secret communications, there lies a whole plethora of ranks and levels of subservience.

It may seem strange to think that our world governmental leaders and leading financial scions of the world are 'influenced' by the Rothschild's, but I believe it to be truth.

There are three main levels of command structure below the Rothschild's:

  • Black Nobility
  • Illuminati (Freemasons/NWO/New Age, et al)
  • World leaders

Yes, the world leaders rank lowest in the hierarchy, they are minions doing their masters will, and they obey or get deposed one way or another.

So where does that leave you?

Well basically unless you have exited the system, gone 'off the grid' in reality disappeared from the radar, you are a slave to them.

You may well be a well paid slave with no knowledge of who you actually obey and are manipulated by, but you are a slave if you pay tax at source, have money in banks you therefore work for them, albeit by default, but still under their control.

The slave desires freedom, yet fears it in equal amounts, watch the video below and decide what sort of slave you are.

What sort of slave are YOU?

Where do you stand?

Where are you in this issue?

See results

Coming soon, if you want it...

Next, if enough people vote and comment, we will examine how that power is used to manipulate and deceive the people of planet earth, so comment or vote (or do both) and let me know what you say about this?

Your decision....

Shall I continue?

See results

Let's end on a happy note! (and don't forget to comment)


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