Why Bills Don't Get Passed?
Harry Reid's butt cheeks have been chaffing since the mid-term elections of 2010 when the majority of Americans got fed up with Obama and his minions ramming Obamacare down the throats of an unwilling America and turned the Democratic Party majority out of the House of Representatives. His buddy Barack Obama is fond of calling Congress a "do nothing" Congress and many of his sheeple who still worship at his altar seem to still be gullible enough to slurp on his koolaid even after his propensity to tell endless lies to the electorate.
We, the People...need to send another strong message to Obama and his minion this November and turn out the useless Democrats but this time in the US Senate which will effectively neuter Harry Reid. Though he may live out his latest Dirty Harry term of office he has no business being the US Senate Majority leader for even another day much less two more years.v
Why do I say that? Lets watch this video where Representative Lynn Jenkins lays out FACTS and not Obama spiel.
352 Reasons To Change Reid's Diaper
People accuse this writer of being a Republican and a partisan this, that and the other and none of that is necessarily true. What I am is a patriotic American who expects the people we elect to collectively put their feeble brain cells together and pass legislation that will help, not hinder, the American tax payer and be wise stewards of our hard earned tax dollars. In case you haven't noticed that isn't happening on Capitol Hill. That is by design on the part of both Barack Hussein Obama and one Harry Reid the obstructionist partisan hack. Some people hunger for power and Harry Reid is among the worst of the worst. I call that unpatriotic myself.
What Lynn Jenkins pointed out is the truth and not more lies and cover-ups by Reid and Obama though those are plentiful these days. Numbers never lie but the Lame Stream Media is complicit in this advancing of the Reid./Obama lies concerning the legislative process and what has occurred, who did what and who is obstructing what. The fact that 352 bills have been sitting on the United States Senate Majority Leader's desk with no action is a travesty to our democratic process. We elect legislators to legislate and write laws to govern this nation. We didn't elect Barack Hussein Obama to legislate from the Oval Office as that isn't in his job description or even encompassed anywhere in his experience level for that matter.
Let me lay out what Representative Jenkins stated onto this page for you visuals among us you can read, and maybe comprehend, exactly why Harry Reid is presiding over that "Do Nothing" Senate that Obama fails to include in the word "Congress." Of course he won't call Reid out because Reid effectively out ranks Obama.
Of those 352 bills passed by the US House of Representatives and now sitting on Reid's desk:
- 98% were passed with bipartisan support. Reid refuses to let the Senate consider that.
- Nearly 70% passed with 2/3rds of the House member's support. Zilch % from Reid and company.
- 50 percent plus passed with no opposition what-so-ever. Reid does nothing in the Senate.
- Of the 352 there were 55 proposed and passed by the Dems. Need I say anything further about Harry Reid?
,In reality having had to listen to Harry Reid pontificate to an adoring Lame Stream Media, which lacks the testicles to call these idiots on their follies, I believe Reid has gone either senile or belongs in the loony bin. Maybe both?
No one in either the delinquent press corps, or Obama himself, has bothered to ask Harry Reid why he is sitting on 352 bills that have the possibility of helping the American people rather than exercising his obstructionist Democratic agenda in trying to maintain his power. Now we can't fire Harry, which is what should happen, but we can change the face of the US Senate by making him irrelevant. This isn't about what is best for the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. It is what is best for the citizens of this nation and that excludes any soul who came to this nation illegally because they wanted to.
So here we have a party of one, Harry Reid, refusing to bring up bills passed by the US House of Representatives and sent to the US Senate for their consideration. Ask yourself why? And if you care one iota for this nation, whatever your political party affiliation, ask yourself if you find that acceptable?
The Inmates Are Running The Asylum
It is apparent now to the majority of Americans that Barack Hussein Obama was one huge mistake. Look at his approval ratings. Then look at the fact that 71%, plus or minus, of the American people say that our country is on the wrong path. Blend into those figures the fact that Harry Reid, who if there ever was a traitor is one, sits on a stack of legislation with the statistics presented here about said legislation and tell yourself again that everything is going to be just peachy keen.
I always attempt to blend common sense and logic into my thinking and this scenario doesn't make sense or is it logical. We are paying people, such as Harry Reid, to do what? Obviously nothing. And if Obama cared about this nation, which I seriously doubt, he would call it like it is - the United States Senate is the problem since its ruler is a do nothing type political hack.
My other indictment will continue to be the fifth estate and their being the cheerleaders for sure disaster if this mess continues. The "Congress" consists of two legislative bodies Mr. Constitutional Scholar President. Try calling Harry Reid out and get those 352 bills off his desk and to your desk for signature. That would show leadership and your continual droning on speeches do not accomplish that task. From you we get just more partisan rhetoric.
Maybe, just maybe, the media needs to spend more time doing what they are traditionally have been charged to do by the American people. What would that be you may ask? Their job should be to be a government watchdog and that doesn't include being the cheer leading squad for the Democratic Party. If they also started calling Reid out maybe, just maybe, Harry Reid would start getting things done in the US Senate and they could at least attempt to earn the pay checks we allow them to collect.
Do I have that happening? No really until We, the People make it happen during the election of 2014. That worries partisan hacks like Harry and make him act the loon he obviously is and spout complete nonsense. The US Senate just went home for a 5 week vacation having done what? Essentially NOTHING.
Mind sharing this? I didn't think so...
As Always,
The Frog Prince