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Why Peace Process Is Not Successful In Afghanistan

Updated on September 14, 2019
mehfooz ul hassan profile image

I am a student of political science and international relations. I got my master degree in political science from the University of Punjab.

Today the Afghan peace process is halted. Qatar made nine rounds of talks over a period of ten months. This not only fulfilled the Taliban's long-standing desire for direct dialogue with the United States but also compromised on its principles. The Taliban agreed to peace and the Americans were ready to return most of their troops. The Taliban guarantee that no such organization, such as Al-Qaeda or Daesh, will find refuge in Afghanistan in the future. On September 8, a secret meeting was to be held at Camp David between the Taliban delegation and President Trump. The meeting took place a day before the suicide bombing in Kabul. An explosive-laden car crashed into an American truck and a U.S. intelligence sergeant was killed on the spot. The Taliban claimed responsibility. President Trump has canceled the secret meeting. President Trump said those who are now doing such actions will do so later. Similar concerns are also being expressed by Mir's military and repeatedly telling President Trump not to hurry to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, but the US president believes the withdrawal of the military will benefit him in the 2020 election. Because American voters are fed up with this endless war. In the past, the strength and influence of the Taliban in Afghanistan have increased. Now, he wants to have a final dialogue with the Kabul government, with sarcasm and slander. President Trump also tweeted that the Taliban wanted to increase their negotiating power through terrorism. The Kabul government made a strange statement the next day. Government spokesman Sediq Sediqqi said that Qatar was being terrorized in Afghanistan. The statement also said that the Kabul government had long ago told the US leadership that there would be no special rule for talking to the Taliban. No statement was made of this statement. The Qatari government has been trying for peace in Afghanistan for a long time. Why would it spread terror? Or let someone else do it. This evening I was invited by an Arabic channel to discuss this topic. I said this is an allegation that no evidence has come to us. The other government, Kabul itself, has said that it had reservations about the Doha talks from the beginning. Clearly, they are happy with the current deadlock in the conversation. In addition, some points of the proposed agreement, which the international media has identified, suggest that the establishment of an interim government in Kabul is included in the negotiation agreement and that the interim government will conduct the next election. So if the deal is signed, the chance of Ashraf Ghani being re-elected will be lost. Therefore, the contract suits the government capable of aborting or terminating it before birth. Obviously there are differences in the early withdrawal of troops in Washington. Similarly, in Kabul, there is no uniform in this regard. The Ashraf Ghani government and the Taliban have two different views on the matter. In fact, I think the Taliban's military commanders and negotiators have a different policy, otherwise, there would not have been a suicide attack in Kabul a day before the Camp David meeting.

A statement from the Kabul government has also said that the Taliban involved in the talks are also issuing orders for attacks from Doha, Qatar. In other words, Mullah Abdul Ghani Brother and his teammates are playing a double game. I disagree with this opinion. The communication system is particularly active in Arab countries. Had the Taliban in Doha done such a move, the Qatari government would have expelled them from their homeland. Just understand that the government's statement of merit is the result of severe tensions. Zalmai Khalilzad is the Special Representative of the US Government for the Afghan Reconciliation Mission. They are Afghan-American, so they have a keen eye on the problem. He also has extensive diplomacy experience. Nine rounds of talks were also overseen by him in Doha. Now the US government has expressed their displeasure with the Taliban and called them back to Washington. Zalmay Khalilzad was in favor of negotiating with the Taliban even when the Taliban occupied Kabul in 1996. His opponents say that Zalmay Khalilzad is happy about the Taliban. They believe that the Taliban are good motives, and their thinking has changed dramatically over the years, and there is no such thing. The Taliban are still old-fashioned. They will take dictatorships from Afghanistan and apply their stereotype to the entire country at the insistence of the rod. I think the truth is Ben. For example, the majority of Taliban education is not anti-feminine; even if they succeed in taking control of the government, they will not allow mixed education. Recently I met an Afghan affairs expert who often goes there. In his view, the Kabul government's writ is weak, often the families of ministers and advisers are in other countries, and the economic interests of the Afghan elite are linked to the economy. In Kabul, they have supply contracts for various goods. Many have given their big houses to foreigners and are receiving rent in foreign currency. These people are against the change in Afghanistan. This may be the case for Afghanistan's future, but the two potential scenarios will not be good for Pakistan. One is that the current situation goes on for a while and then deteriorates further into civil war. In this case, more Afghan refugees will come to Pakistan. There will be a negative impact on the Pak-Afghan trade. Another possible scenario is the Taliban's rule over Afghanistan again. In such a case, TTP can be reactivated and it will not be good for Pakistan in the current situation. There will be peace in Afghanistan when all factions have a share in power and this is possible in a democracy as the Tehreek-e-Insaf Center is in power in Pakistan and the two provinces while the PPP is ruling in one province and the Muslim League. A Powerful Position Party. The same kind of democracy power-sharing can play in Afghanistan. Problems facing Afghan peace It has several question marks. There will be elections on September 24 or not. What is the future of President Ashraf Ghani? When will the talks between the United States and the Taliban resume? It will take time, however, to recover a lost attachment. I think the last September 7 suicide bombing was a mistake. The water has definitely gone back and forth on the benefits and hard work achieved in Doha. May God restore the US Taliban talks soon and bring peace to Afghanistan.


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