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Win Your Parents Over to Bernie Sanders

Updated on March 4, 2016
Virginia Allain profile image

Virginia is a passionate progressive and now leads a group of women activists in her retirement community. It's not safe to ignore politics.

Have You Taken the Time to Talk to Your Parents about Bernie Sanders


Getting Votes Begins with Your Family

Winning votes for Bernie Sanders for president starts at home. Talk to your parents and win their votes for your favorite candidate, Bernie! Here are tips on turning their hearts and minds to supporting him.

You may think it's impossible to convert your lifelong Republican mom or dad to voting for a progressive. If Faux News is their only source of information, you must take steps to broaden their minds. Once people actually listen to Bernie and see his platform, their minds begin to change.

It isn't easy and they may cover their ears and refuse to listen at first. Keep trying, but don't alienate them. Check out the advice below from others who had this problem.

A 91-year-old and his grandson are both voting for Bernie Sanders for president.
A 91-year-old and his grandson are both voting for Bernie Sanders for president. | Source

Convincing a Clinton Fan and a Non-Voting Parent to Vote for Bernie

Sarah S. of Texas - "My mom was a hardcore Clinton fan and my dad just straight up doesn't vote because of the reasons other people don't want to vote."

The Breakthrough - "But as I was watching the Town Hall meeting (Sanders/Clinton in Nevada) last night they agreed to practically everything Bernie said. Then my dad looked at me and said, "Shit... How do I register again." my mom walked away, watched more videos and interviews, looked at me and said, "Okay, we can all vote for him together as a family."

Remind Your Parents That Voting for Bernie Is for You and Their Grandchildren to Have a Better Life

Tell your parents what Bernie's plans are that apply especially to your or your own children. Maybe it's universal healthcare, maybe it's free college, maybe it's a government not controlled by billionaires. Tell them to vote for your future.
Tell your parents what Bernie's plans are that apply especially to your or your own children. Maybe it's universal healthcare, maybe it's free college, maybe it's a government not controlled by billionaires. Tell them to vote for your future. | Source

Super PROUD of my MOM! She is 70+ years old and I was afraid she would vote for Hi!!ary... she EARLY voted today in VIRGINIA for BERNIE!!! So now we have 3 generations of FEMINIST women in my family ‪#‎FEELINTHEBERN‬! Talking Bernie up WORKS! I'm glad I never gave up!

— Jini B. of Virginia

Are Your Parents Voting for Bernie Sanders?

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Make Bernie Information Readily Available to Your Parents

Dan O. - Psst, don't tell anyone but I noticed my mom left her Facebook logged on. She was for Bernie but didn't know much or hear much about him, so I made her page LIKE Bernie Sanders. and now I notice she likes all his stuff from his page and she is now another voice for Bernie in our house!

Now I notice she likes all his stuff from his page and consequently, she is another voice for Bernie in our house! She now wants me to put a bumper sticker on her car!

Sherri Lynn V - Ha Ha! I am going to my mother's house tomorrow and I am TOTALLY considering this. Thing is, she's a Tr_mp supporter and she complains about what I post and share about Bernie so I am sure she'll notice.

Question is, is it unethical to do it anyway knowing she has issues with technology and won't be able to easily UNLIKE the page?

Look on YouTube for Bernie Sanders Ads, Speeches and Interviews to Entice Your Parents

Thanks to Bernie Facebook pages, I always had good information to share with my parents! I'm glad I never gave up!

How Bernie Sanders Stands on the Issues


You Can Try the Casual Approach

Eric G. - My mom and I casually talked politics today and I asked her who she was voting for, she said Trump, to my disappointment. When I told her I was voting Bernie, she said she doesn't know anything about him, so I clued her in a bit about him and she seemed impressed.

After asking her why Trump, she admitted she didn't know much about any of the candidates, but just recognized his name...and she would never vote Hillary.

I know my mom, she raised me to be above all else compassionate, so I know she'll love ‪#‎BernieSanders‬.

I gave her the meat, I just told her to look him up a bit. I know her and trust her to make an informed decision. I think like many others she's just burnt out on the status quo.

I'll keep up on it

Work hard to present concrete facts and well-researched points of view, answer questions, AND debate......then your family members see the truth for themselves! Thanks again for voting for Bernie!

— Kassi F.

Don't Give Up, Keep Talking to Your Parent about Bernie

Jami Joelle N. - I am ecstatic to report that after several months of healthy debate with my 65 year old Mom in Kansas who was supporting Hillary, she just told me she's defecting and voting ‪#‎Bernie‬ in her first ever Caucus tomorrow! I couldn't be more proud!

(good work, Jami, and just in time for the Kansas caucus tomorrow)

Here's another example and again is strongly Republican Kansas:

Carrie S. in Overland Park, KS - "My mom was supporting Ben Carson (I don't want to talk about it.. lol) but we agree on virtually everything. Emphasis on, "everything." I have been talking about Bernie constantly and at other times nonchalantly slipping his positions into our conversations without directly telling her it's Bernie and when she agrees I say, "that's what Bernie is trying to fix!"

It seems it has worked! I've also converted my boyfriend. None of us have ever attended a caucus. So now my mom, boyfriend (both formerly Republicans), and I will all be caucusing for the first time tomorrow for Bernie in Kansas! ‪#‎FeelTheBern‬"

Maybe They Worry Because He's a "Socialist"

Look at the definition of Democratic Socialist and explain to them it is like FDR, not like Hitler or Stalin. Be aware that they were taught in school to fear the Red Peril.
Look at the definition of Democratic Socialist and explain to them it is like FDR, not like Hitler or Stalin. Be aware that they were taught in school to fear the Red Peril. | Source

I can't even get my 75-year-old mother to discuss politics so I send her links and hope.

— Aimee Pfaff

© 2016 Virginia Allain


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