Yasser Arafat Assassinated with Polonium
Who Did it and Why
Polonium (Po84) is a radioactive decay product usually associated with Uranium 235 fissile materials and is a sources of neutrons and alpha particles. It was discovered by Madame Curie in 1898. Polonium has 33 known isotopes, all of which are radiological in nature. The masses range in the atomic scale from 188 through to 220. The half lives vary from 138.4 days to 103 years. Some emit rare gamma rays after alpha excitation. The element and isotopes behave somewhat like Bismuth and can be dissolved in a weak acid. The first artificially produced isotopes resulted from the implosion type atomic blast associated with the “Fatman” Manhattan project as it was used in the core of the Plutonium implosion device to ensure the bomb did not fizzle over Nagasaki on Aug. 9Th, 1945. Aside from being used in some reactor applications and in “A” and “H” bombs, it has little use; that is until Nov. 11Th, 2004 when it was used as a poison to assassinate a targeted kill; Yasser Arafat, who had been previously targeted in 1985. A recent autopsy after exhuming the corpse of the former Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat revealed the presence of Polonium in his remains. It is not known which isotope was found as that was not indicated by those who performed the autopsy. Clearly, this element is not usually found in anyone's body, but it was found in Arafat.
The question now arises as to how such an element would wind up in someone's body to slowly kill by radiological poisoning. How much was used and how was it introduced? There are other questions as to how often it was used, upon whom and by whom. The first established case appears to be Yasser Arafat, whom the Zionists hated owing to the fact that he was instrumental as the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is slowing the Israeli advance into Palestinian land as the noose of apartheid tightened inexorably around the Palestinian people. This he was able to affect while being the leader of Lebanon, from which Israel also received plenty of resistance and with whom, wars were fought. Israel was actually driven out of occupation of Lebanon, so it is understandable that Zionists would resent this lost war. There are other questionable deaths, such as the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, whom many suspect was assassinated. Was he also a victim of Polonium poisoning that would trigger an aggressive cancer?
Arafat was instrumental with the multiple backing from Libya, Iraq and Saudi Arabia and in the first Intifada of 1987. This was a war the resulted from the Israeli occupation and genocides of the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank. So there is little wonder that there was resentment on the part of the Zionist state. During late Oct. 2004, Arafat supposedly got the “flu” during a meeting, which worsened quickly. He was dead within a couple of weeks. The initial “cause” of death was massive hemorrhaging from what appeared like a stroke. He was 75 when pronounced dead in France from presumably natural causes, until the autopsy was performed nine year later. Given the information so far, he was fed the slower decaying Polonium as the fast decaying type would have disappeared from his system over nine years. At the time of his death, Israel claimed Arafat died of AIDS.
To the question as to who gave him the poison, we have to look at those involved who had facilities to produce the isotope. Of the countries involved in the disputes, only two would have the technology. Countries involved in the disputes are Israel, NATO (US, UK), Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Only two directly involved possess the ability to make Polonium; that is, the US and Israel. We are all familiar with the history of the development of nuclear technology in the US. Until the revelation in 1986 by Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu, it was not known that Israel possessed nuclear technology, let alone 200 weapons of mass destruction (WMD). For that revelation, Vanunu was arrested and placed into solitary confinement for almost two decades for high treason and espionage, despite being hired to conduct nuclear research. It is now surmised that Israel has between 400 to 500 nukes that were made from uranium 235 obtained from the Negev Nuclear Project breeder program south of Dimona. Clearly, if Israel has so many WMD in the form of nukes, they also possess Polonium 84 and the isotopes that can be delivered as a poison. As there were numerous meetings between the PLO and Israel to settle numerous issues, it is highly likely that someone administered to poison through food and/or drink. It remains after nine years to determine the chain of command.
Arafat was a thorn in the side of Zionist expansionism and imperial occupation for decades, so it appears that there was a covert and active plan to have him liquidated in order to disorient this enemy of Israel and create a standing threat with the elimination of a potent leader. The culprit appears to be Zionist Israel directly or indirectly, but that remains to be established in full certainty. That research given the current circumstances, would be impossible outside of another heroic whistle blower or a total revolution.
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela died from an aggressive cancer despite intensive treatment. As a result of nationalizing the oil and banks, the US had it in for him and attempted to intervene in Venezuela many times to get the country back in line. But Chavez was highly popular owing to a strong and effective agenda to eliminate poverty in the country. He won a second term in a popular election despite attempts at intervention, but he died months later despite and aggressive campaign in Cuba to stop his advancing cancer. It was not long before questions arrived concerning possible poisoning. We know from Iraq, Fallugia in particular, that cancer has rocketed due to the use of depleted uranium (DU) during the second Iraq war. It is also known that Americans exposed there also got aggressive cancers. Is it possible then, that Chavez was poisoned with DU? So far, there appears to be little news about any tests and autopsies. It is also known about the long history of interventionism by the US in Latin American countries. Then there are many other suspicious deaths, none of which seem to have raised any flags of concern.