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Terrorism: The Never Ending Scourge Fuelled by Liberals Over Zealous Nature for Inclusion.

Updated on January 13, 2020
Terrorism and the Liberal International Order
Terrorism and the Liberal International Order | Source

Liberals Need To Confront The Root of Terror

Amid ever imminent perils low scale terrorism is on a rapid rise as the UK bore the brunt of another terror inflicted on our nation on 29th November 2019. It claimed the lives of two citizens questioning the viability of one safety in the citizens. Its generally agreed that Islamic radicalism is at the heart of this barbaric and evil deeds for no other religion is known for inciting such hatred. But to understand the underlying cause of the terror acts, one must examine a nation's most prized values. Since the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attack on the Word Trade Centre terrorism has elevated has occupied the political agenda


In the UK notwithstanding legislative attempts taken to counter-terror activities, government officials profess to be the devoted protagonist of liberal ideals for fear of isolationism, racial and other manners of bigotry labels at the helm. Terrorism is fundamentally rooted in Islamic ideology both political and religious as Jilani, mentioned it derives the Quran and Sunnah. Yet in the liberal tradition of the UK, no critical light is ever shed on the aspects of its teaching used to incite terror. As it forms the basis of extreme terror acts, one wonders why the western government is yet to proposes life sentences for those who dare to commit, an act of terrorism in its name. While its important to distinguish between between Islam espoused by the likes of Al-Qaeda, and that practiced in Indonesia, North Africa and the Middle East the text makes clear grotesque hate speech against non believers.


Jeremy Corbyn (leader of the Labour Party UK) blamed Western interventions in the Middle East, for the rise of jihadists' militant terrorist, group and London Bridge terror attack back in 2017. Yet he refused to comment on the rationale for such utterances as that, which hails from the Qur'an text. He fails to venture down such territory fearing the outrage of many within the Muslim community, to preserve its inclusive narrative. Such is their rhetoric seeking to impart an emotive message of inequality in the absence of logical reasoning through facts. What's more, the Labour leader has on many occasions called Hamas and Hezbollah his friend in a bid for dialogue. Such dialogue he hopes will appease terrorists whose mission is the destruction of the West.

The reasons are varied and complex from Boko Haram to the Muslim Brotherhood in Eygpt terrorism networks have spread and led to the persecution of separate groups in countries where its ideologies are firmly entrenched. For example, Christians in Pakistan face violence and death by the Islamic extremist group for the sake of their faith. Still, condemnation for this action does not find its violence in liberal circles. So religious motive features prominently in this regard.


As we look to the political arena in the US, we note the irrational fear of closed border as anti-immigration sentiments without seeing the danger posed by illegal immigrants in their entry into the country. Not to mention the economic strain that creates with limited housing options and resources available to the citizens far more deserving. The double standards ring hollow when viewed in light of Soleimani's death. The militant leader is responsible for the deaths of innocent Syrian civilians and funding terrorist groups. As a leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, he had the blood of innocent Americans in his hand. As yet, the world bemoans his death as a catalyst fueling the rise of even more extremist terror activities. However, the world has already fallen victim to this barbaric act no amount of appeasement will suffice to subdue its thirst for blood and destruction.

© 2020 Paul Baror


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