Gore and Trump met to talk climate change

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  1. Stacie L profile image88
    Stacie Lposted 7 years ago

    "I had a lengthy and very productive session with the president-elect. It was a sincere search for areas of common ground," Gore told reporters after the meeting at Trump Tower.

    "I had a meeting beforehand with Ivanka Trump. The bulk of the time was with the president-elect, Donald Trump. I found it an extremely interesting conversation, and to be continued, and I'm just going to leave it at that," Gore continued.
    http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ … ar-AAlaWqc
    Is Trump changing his views about Global warming or is this the real Trump all along?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      With Trump it's all show , little action. He said Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese. Trump agenda is with the NWO if his personal decision are not inline with his Puppet masters, they will be changed for him. Their actions toward pollution is the least of their cares.

  2. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    A source close to Ivanka told Politico she “wants to make climate change — which her father has called a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese — one of her signature issues.”

    It should be interesting to see how this goes.  China is already mad about Trump accepting a phone call of congratulations from the president of Taiwan.  Is Trump extending an olive branch?  lol

    Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa still has snow on top of it.
    There is still ice at the North Pole. 
    Maybe China was right? wink

    Well, imposed regulations helped cause American businesses to move to China, or they folded up shop because they couldn't compete because of higher costs or China's slave labor prices. 

    While China has a terrible air pollution / smug problem they don't seem to care about.  While the US ships 25% of its coal to Asia:  China, Japan, India, and South Korea.

    Remember, Gore's film “An Inconvenient Truth”?

    The 3rd Congress of Freedom Force - was convened in Phoenix, Arizona, on December 3 & 4, 2016.
    At that time, they unleash a powerful weapon upon the world. The weapon is called:  Global-Warming;  an Inconvenient Lie.

    It is a gathering of the world’s top experts on this subject who will put an end, once-and-for-all, to the myth of anthropogenic (man-caused) global-warming.
    https://www.freedomforceinternational.o … ress-2016/

    I can see where Trump is going with this.

  3. Castlepaloma profile image77
    Castlepalomaposted 7 years ago

    Except Steve Irwin was a nice and natural man.  It was just he did play with fire too much. By getting too close, too often with wild animals, as he did know enough about. Until one day, one took him. Now Trump is screwing with whole nature environment and environmentist are really getting upset.

    Trump is also playing with too much fire with surrouding Russia with military missiles. Then screwing over China on levels from his personal debt to US national debt, plus trading.
    Trump someday a bureaocroc will get you, if not, someone from the trees or water.

    1. Live to Learn profile image61
      Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Whatever you're smoking it must be some really good stuff.

      1. colorfulone profile image79
        colorfuloneposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I think its Northern Lights, being he is up there in Canada. wink

      2. Castlepaloma profile image77
        Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Wish I could freely smoke it, it would cost me my job, travel , land and everything.  While he is against everything natural.

        I hope too much synthetic smoke chokes him out with all his double dirty dealings. He has stock in Monsanto, Tobacco, pharmacy Casino and anything that is most dangerous to our human health and land. I might smoke my brain, where it is legal, so to block out the painful thoughts when Trump allows all of America and the world to suffer like they never had ever before.

  4. colorfulone profile image79
    colorfuloneposted 7 years ago

    Trump is a private citizen.
    Obama is surrounding Russia with military missiles, not Trump. 
    Environmentalists are usually upset, nothing new there.
    Watch Trump play chess against the checkers players.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image77
      Castlepalomaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump Can't win at his own game of Trump monopoly game. The idea of the game was to bankruptcy everyone else. He can never win he always gose bankrupt first even the game Trump monopoly he marketing went bankrupt.
      He is best to start learning checkers with his kid, if he can't help himself from cheating.


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