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How sustainable is your landscape?

Updated on December 29, 2014
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For years, Yvonne has been developing a sustainable homestead complete with chickens, food plants, on-site water, solar power, and more.

Satsuma Oranges

In the southern part of the Gulf Coast states citrus such as Satsumas, Kumquats and Meyer lemons can be grown.
In the southern part of the Gulf Coast states citrus such as Satsumas, Kumquats and Meyer lemons can be grown.

Growing Food in Your Own Backyard

"Sustainability, Green Living, growing your own produce", we hear these phrases more and more as prices soar and the economy plummets. But how many people really practice it?

Do the city dwellers have little patio or balcony gardens?. Are the suburbanites transforming their carefully manicured exotic turf grass lawns into viable, environmentally friendly landscapes that support fruit trees and edible plants?

We want to know what you are doing in your own personal landscapes and yards to support sustainability and Green Living? Shout out for or against using your landscapes to grow food instead of just ornamental plants and grass. Are you part of the sustainable movement.

Satsuma & other photos by Y.L. Bordelon, All Rights Reserved.

Red and Green Tomatoes

Most people enjoy home grown tomatoes. If you grow them yourself, you know that no harmful chemicals have been used. You can also grow many of the delicious heirloom varieties that can't be found in grocery stores.
Most people enjoy home grown tomatoes. If you grow them yourself, you know that no harmful chemicals have been used. You can also grow many of the delicious heirloom varieties that can't be found in grocery stores. | Source

Why should we use sustainable landscaping in our yards?

1. You have free fresh, healthy fruits, vegetables and herbs for your family.

2. There are no transportation costs and air pollution is reduced because transportation is not needed.

3. By growing food plants and native trees and shrubs, you are helping the environment by providing habitat for pollinators and other animals.

4. It is a learning opportunity for children. The old saying about teaching a man how to fish comes into play here, too.

What other reasons can you think of? Why not comment below.

"It is not only possible, but highly desirable from a human perspective to create living spaces that are themselves functioning, sustainable ecosystems with high species diversity."

Douglas W. Tallamy, Bringing Nature Home

Growing Food Poll

Do you grow your own food?

See results

Chickens and Other Animals

Permaculture and sustainable gardening go hand in hand. Keeping animals like chickens that provide eggs and fertilizer adds another aspect to the natural growing cycle. The eggs provide an additional valuable food source and the natural free fertilizer will help a garden produce many healthy and delicious vegetables.

Easter Egg Chicken Eggs

Our hens lay green, blue and pink eggs that are healthier and more nutritious than store bought eggs. My hens lay an egg every other day, so two or three hens can keep a small family with a good supply.
Our hens lay green, blue and pink eggs that are healthier and more nutritious than store bought eggs. My hens lay an egg every other day, so two or three hens can keep a small family with a good supply.

Greening the Desert Video

It's amazing what the right growing conditions can do. This video shows an amazing transformation of a permaculture garden in the desert.

We need biodiversity because it literally sustains us.

— Douglas W. Tallamy, Bringing Nature Home

By getting away from the antiquated monoculture lawn thinking, you can add to the biodiversity of your property. Add more food plants in place of the grass. Landscape with fruit or nut bearing trees that are both ornamental and productive. Plant an herb garden by the kitchen door. All these things will attract pollinators. If you use organic methods, your soil will be enriched and full of beneficial organisms, too.

Sustainable Gardening

There are many excellent books available that will guide you into creating your own sustainable, edible landscape. Everything from using organic methods to grow edible plants to keeping chickens in the suburbs.

Edible Landscaping

Edible Landscaping: Now You Can Have Your Gorgeous Garden and Eat It Too!
Edible Landscaping: Now You Can Have Your Gorgeous Garden and Eat It Too!
An excellent book showing how to use edible plants in a decorative way in your yard.

Red Mulberries

Native red mulberry trees produce many pounds of delicious berries each year. We eat them out of hand and in cobblers and jelly.
Native red mulberry trees produce many pounds of delicious berries each year. We eat them out of hand and in cobblers and jelly. | Source

© 2009 Yvonne L B


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