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5 Reasons Why Millennials Should Embrace Minimalism

Updated on October 12, 2017

Embracing Minimalism

Inside a minimalist apartment
Inside a minimalist apartment

5 Reasons Why Millennials Should Embrace Minimalism

The world we inhabit is overwhelming. Because of worldwide political unrest, financial uncertainty, job insecurity, and a high prevalence of mental health problems in young people, our minds and lives are more cluttered and chaotic than ever before. For a millennial, life can feel tough. To add to that we are continually bamboozled by TV adverts, billboards, and social media, all of which tell us one thing—to be happy, we need more stuff.

Several years ago, while I was at university, I became interested in the “minimalism” movement after reaching the realization that (although I was still very young), I did not crave the lifestyle that society and the media was trying to sell me.

I didn’t want an expensive SUV bought on credit and parked outside an unnecessarily large house filled to the brim with the latest tech trinkents. If anything, I wanted a simple, stress-free, clutter-free lifestyle, and a relatively financially stable existence. I wanted a life without excess and I wanted to embrace simplicity.

As I discovered more about minimalism and people living minimalist lifestyles, I began to think that it would be an ideal lifestyle for a lot of millennials to embrace to relieve some of the stress, anxiety, and worry they currently face.

Here Are Five Reaons Why Millennials Should Embrace Minimalism Before It’s too Late

1. Reduce and pay off debts faster.

I know many millennials who already have massive amounts of debt due to college or university fees, always going into overdraft, or simply through excessive and unnecessary spending on things they think they need. It sounds obvious, but by spending less money on items you genuinely do not need, you can pay off your debts quicker, or, as crazy as it sounds, have actual savings!

Next time you consider buying something. Stop and ask yourself these questions: Do I absolutely need this? What value will it bring to my life? Would it be better to save this money?

2. Escape the expensive cycle of consumerism.

Whether we’re driving, walking, or sitting in our own homes, advertisements are everywhere. Their main purpose is to encourage us to buy things. By embracing minimalism, we begin to see through adverts and stand up to their powerful charm. A great question to ask yourself when you see an advert that encourages you to buy something is: “What added value will this item bring to my life?” Often you’ll find that the answer is, none. When you remove yourself from this cycle of consumerism and realize that material possessions are not going to make you truly happy, you will begin to see life and your possessions in a whole new way.

3. Improve mental health and reduce stress.

Being in debt, worrying about money, and being overwhelmed by a sheer amount of clutter, have all been linked to causing depression and anxiety. By minimizing the amount of possessions in our homes or offices, we'll have clearer, calmer spaces that aren’t filled with unnecessary clutter. Imagine if we didn’t buy all that stuff in the first place. We’d save a load of money, which would help prevent stress and worry regarding finances.

A great way to begin your journey into minimalism is by creating a financial plan. Look at how much you currently spend and what you spend your money on, be scrupulous about what items/expenses you can forego, and look for areas where you could save money.

4. Work less, live more.

Simply put, when you want fewer things, you don’t need as much money to buy them. Ask yourself questions about the way you currently live. Could I downsize my living arrangement? Could I get a cheaper, smaller car, or could I live without one entirely? Do I need cable TV? Could I get a cheaper cell-phone contract? Could I spend less money on clothes? Could I save on my weekly grocery spending?

When we reduce or cut out certain aspects of our lives, we begin to see that we don’t need as much money. Less money means fewer working hours, which equals more free time. What’s not to like?

5. Free yourself from FOMO.

Thanks to the digital age and the invention of social media, the "fear of missing out" has never been more apparent in society. Every time you open the Facebook or Instagram apps, you’ll see that (seemingly) everyone is doing something way better than what you currently are.

What if we minimize our use of social media? What if we delete social media apps from our phone? When we remove our urge to open an app, we are changing our habits. By reducing time we spend on social media we can begin to focus on our own lives and past times instead of experiencing a crippling sense of jealousy about what other people are doing.

Minimalism can be a rewarding way to live one's life. Focusing less energy and attention on material things can reduce stress and create space for people to gain a new perspective on what truly matters in life.

Man Quits $80K Job to Work in Grocery Store Part Time

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© 2017 Daniel


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