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GOP and the Voter ID

Updated on August 19, 2019
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As a voter, we should show ID, but maybe we should do away with voter registration.

Rick Perry
Rick Perry

Early voting

The Republicans, as well as the Democrats thought that it would be a great idea to have "early voting days". This would allow those who work two jobs or double shifts at the same job, have children or other responsibilities that would make it hard to get to the polls.

What neither took into consideration, was that it would give everyone a chance to vote because early voting doesn't have to be done in your district.

This opened up a whole new meaning to "get out the vote". Soon, the issue of many Democrats was that in an individual region within a district people were given the opportunity to get out and vote instead of having one day to vote and one polling place; in their district.

2013, in areas that are predominantly Democratic, you have lawsuit after lawsuit, trying to stop the voters from getting to the polls early. Republicans have been doing this for so many years, they've perfected it.

Voter ID Law

2013, the Voter ID law passed. Now when you go to the polls you will be required to show a photo ID. Acceptable IDs will be the traditional driver's license. Also, there are other acceptable forms of ID, like a passport or military ID. Immediately, motions were filed and the battle has continued to fight for doing away with the photo ID law.

While many feel it will suppress voter turnout or put a hardship on the elderly, the fact remains that if you are elderly, you most likely are enrolled in social security retirement benefits or some form of monthly stipend. If so, you also have a form of identification. because it is impossible to cash a check without an ID. If the money is in the bank, then an ID is required when withdrawing from the account.

While parties are trying to convince their followers that each is right, most Americans believe it's a good thing, whether Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Libertarian, etc. It just makes sense.

It assures the voting system will be more accurate, no more voting more than once or in different counties. If you haven't changed your address to your current residence and voting district, then it's up to you to get it done in a timely manner. An individual's laziness to get prepared will be the only issue.

Law requires that when relocating, a license can be considered invalid if not updated within 30 days. So, if an individual is not ready to vote come election day, it is not the politicians fault, it is the individual's fault and shame on you for not having the follow through to make sure you have a current and legal ID.

Registration do we really need it?

Both parties have been accused of gerrymandering to help them keep their party in power. Judges have found more Republicans than Democrats guilty of this and have set deadlines to have those corrected, now tied up in appeals, it is now up to the voter to get to the polls and vote more than ever.

Voter registrations have become the new hot button. if you register now, there should be no issue come 2020 for the Presidential election.

Blocks to registration include not allowing them to register when they get their driver's license. Each state sets their own regulations and it can be a number of things required to register in order to keep certain individuals from voting. As much as things change, some always stay the same. Voter suppression will never end as long as we have people fighting for power.

Just a little food for thought; if you have to show ID, which shows proof of residence, then why do we have to register to vote at all. When you get your ID, they can put a voter seal on it so it shows that you are clear to vote.

Vote: It's your right and your obligation

2016, Russian interference and voter fraud committed by both parties goes to show that our vote does matter. So much so that politicians and other countries are trying to steal them.

No matter what the climate is, many people fought and died so that we might have the ability to vote.

  • Register to vote now! Don't wait until the last minute.

  • Be on the safe side: don't give in to the outrageous behavior of the parties. Just go prepared. Take a photo id, a voter registration card if you have one. Make sure your ID is current and correct. Driver's license, passport book or card, etc.

  • Review the ballot and make sure everything is correct before you pull the lever or push the button.

April 2019 Voter ID rules by state

During the April 2019 elections, 35 states enforced voter ID requirements, 17 of them required a photo ID.

No ID required:

  • Oregan
  • California
  • Nevada
  • Wyoming
  • New Mexico
  • Nebraska
  • Minnesota
  • Illinois
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Vermont
  • Maine

Non-photo id (other forms of ID accepted)

  • Alaska
  • Washington
  • Montana
  • Utah
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • North Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • Iowa
  • Missouri
  • Kentucky
  • Ohio
  • West Virginia
  • South Carolina
  • Delaware
  • Connecticut
  • New Hampshire

Photo ID required

  • Idaho
  • South Dakota
  • Kansas
  • Texas
  • Arkansas
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Tennessee
  • Alabama
  • Georgia
  • Florida
  • North Carolina
  • Virginia
  • Indiana
  • Michigan
  • Wisconsin

Do you supprt voter id?

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