Should Gay Marriage be Legal
The Case for Gay Marriage: Where do you stand?
Many states in the US have voted to legalize Gay marriage. It's a tough fight; so many people feel that marriage should be defined as being only between one man and one woman. Back in the 1800s, Utah became a state based on the Mormon population denouncing polygamy.
While tradition in the US seems to lean toward the "one man/one woman" marriage template, many loving gay couples are kept from this public proclamation of their love. Many feel cheated; many feel discrimated against.
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Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?
Because I don't think people should have sex outside of marriage, I believe Gay Marriage should be legal. I feel I have no right to ask gays to "keep themselves for marriage" so to speak if there isn't that option open to them. Absent that, I would accept a commitment ceremony, since so many states don't have legalized Gay Marriage.
I personally think that people who think their religion doesn't support gay marriage need to remember that in the US, there is a separation of church and state. My religion says that I can't drive a car on Saturday. I don't think there should be a law outlawing driving a car on Saturday. It's MY religion. So if your religion says that gay people can't get married, don't marry someone of your gender. But allow those who don't have that religious issue follow their conscience. Marriage is a commitment between two people who love each other; allowing that commitment for gays is better for society because marriage stabilizes the home.
What do you think?