The Greatest Lie Ever Told,... the Starving Children
The Proffitable Lie,... Starving Children
You see them, we all get a bit misty eyed over them,.. The soft camera shots of starving impoverished children in far away lands,… the lilting music in the back ground,… the plea at the end of the commercial asking for just 50 cents a day,… to get the vital medical care that this child needs,… save a life,.. Make a difference,………………………. Yea,…………… what I’m about to tell you is gona P*SS you off.
Its all a big fat lie.
Let us look at the 50 cents a day they ask for,… let us multiply it by 30 days so that in a month we would give the good children feeders 15$ a month.
From the 15$ we shall spend at least 8$ on administrative costs, the people needed to accept your phone call & the training they need to pull the hardest at your heartstrings while they have you on the phone. Then there are the accounting people needed to handle the money you gleefully sent them in hopes of assuaging your guilt for not starving yourself.
From that 15$ we will also remove 2$ for creating those touching tv spots that make hard ass’s like me need a hit of insulin just to counteract all the sweet music and sappy lilting voices pleading for our money.
Lets see,… that leaves 5$….. Lets spend 3$ on vaccines,.. Then spend another dollar shipping it to some far off land that has an adequate supply of starving photogenic children to pose for our cameras as we stab them with needles.
That leaves 1$………… and we’ll spend that guilt tripping a few volunteers to south of hells A**hole to handle the boots on the ground efforts of stabbing children with needles.
Nowhere in that scenario was there any food.
Now I realize that I provide no links or sites to back up my mathematical claim,… and I don’t intend to,…. I’m asking you to just mull over the idea that these charities are NOT about FEEDING children,…. There not even about saving the lives of children…. They are all about inoculating children.
Why you ask? Why would we be so wrapped up in the needle game?………. Allow me to explain.
Starvation is not a communicable disease,… simple as that.
We will immunize the photogenic children in the far off land, all the while slapping ourselves on the back for the good work we’ve done,…. But they will be just as dead in 6 months from the effects of malnutrition. That is if they aren’t hacked to death by their fellow countrymen with machetes because of a drug, land, or religious dispute.
So why do we immunize starving children?
Because when we go on safari to kill an animal that we haven’t already got an example of hanging on our wall in the den,… we don’t want to be catching any communicable diseases from the cute little kiddies that we fly by at 60 mph in our hummer as we set out to kill prong horn number 5 for the day.
We’ve worked far to hard to eradicate diseases like smallpox, polio, diphtheria,. Etc in the US to go traipsing off on safari and get the measles from the child sex worker we indulged in.
In short,… we immunize the worlds starving children because its logistically easier and cheaper than hauling food across the globe through customs and past corrupt government agents, to be distributed to thousands of starving people. Its easier than guarding the food and regular medical supplies that warring tribes will willingly and gleefully butcher you for because there armies can use it,…….. They have no use for vaccines.
Lets not forget it’s a great way to bilk billions from a guilt ridden public that loves the notion of throwing 15$ at the television and getting the absolution they refuse in the confessional,… much less actually changing their own lives and the lives of their fellow man through genuine compassion and action…. Because after all,… compassion and action in daily life are not tax deductible.
Every single one of the charities that hold up pictures of starving malnourished kids across the globe are lying.
They are perpetuating a lie that makes money for thousands who are employed in the charity industry.
So remember children of the world,… you may be starving,… you may be orphaned by war or disease,… but you fill a vital role in the western worlds economy.
You make it possible for thousands of charity industry employees to punch a time clock every day. You are the reason that childhood obesity is an achievable goal in America… because you provide the wages for those charity industry workers to feed their chubby self absorbed tech savvy kids.
You, starving children of the world, have provided an outlet for western guilt, in providing well fed Americans a way to assuage their guilt by throwing a paltry 50 cents a day away in hopes of a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Allow me, as a reasonably disease free, well fed American, to say, on behalf of all our self absorbed, guilt tripped, morally lazy arses’………………. THANK YOU.
A Parting Word,....
Do I think that human suffering is real?……… yes
Do I think that people are starving throughout the world?…… yes (I also realize that there are human beings that are starving who are NOT photogenic, young, or pose-able)
Do I believe that we should be doing everything in our power to end human suffering in a world where Americans throw out more food than Africa eats?………. Yes.
Do I think we should be throwing guilt tripped money away to thieves and charlatans that want nothing more than to buy a global medical insurance policy for their next vacation abroad,……………. NO,…. no I don’t.