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The Paso Robles Art Association and its Exhibits

Updated on September 5, 2015

The Paso Robles Art Association Enriches Paso Robles with its Art Exhibits

In April, 2010, I attended my first of these exhibits and met the people who made it happen. This juried exhibit of western themed art was a play on words -- "Ranch Dressing." The Artists' Reception was held at a gallery the Art Association rents at Studios in the Park in Paso Robles. I'd like to show you some of what I saw at this reception, as well as a video announcing the winners of this juried exhibit. After the exhibit, I came back to look again and talk with one of the photographers whose work was on the wall.

I hope to add my favorite works from more exhibits to this one as they happen. I have really enjoyed meeting and corresponding with the creative people who have produced this work. I can't help but want to share their work here.

I was surprised at the variety of art forms I saw at the Ranch Dressing exhibit.

Artists' Reception at Paso Robles Art Association Ranch Dressing Exhibit
Artists' Reception at Paso Robles Art Association Ranch Dressing Exhibit

I was hoping to show examples of all the art forms I saw there in this lens, but I did not have contact information for some of the artists, including some of the winners in this exhibit, and I dare not feature their specific works without their permission, since some of the artists are very sensitive about this. Some unscrupulous individuals steal images of these copyrighted works, and you can't blame the artists for wanting to prevent this. Others are happy to have examples of their work shared with as many people as possible.

You will get a feel for some of the art exhibited by just looking at the walls in this picture. What you might not notice from this distance is the difference between the photographs and the paintings. Some of the photographs look so much like paintings that the difference is not obvious even up close. Some of my favorite representations at "Ranch Dressing" were photographs. Perhaps that's because photography is my hobby.

Dean Crawford and Oliver Tractor

Oliver Tractor by Dean Crawford, Paso Robles Photographer.
Oliver Tractor by Dean Crawford, Paso Robles Photographer.

This photograph by Dean Crawford was one that really caught my eye at the exhibit. I kept on coming back to it. At first I thought it was a painting, but then I discovered it was really a photograph. Dean told me he likes to make his photos look like paintings. Dean is a member of the PRAA and teaches an ongoing Digital Photography class for the City of Paso Robles. I will be showing you more of Dean's work in a lens I hope to write soon. Dean gave his permission for me to share this with you.

Heidi Edelman's Red Rooster - And it is really her rooster.

Red Rooster by Hedi Edelman
Red Rooster by Hedi Edelman

Heidi Edelman lives on a ranch in San Miguel, just north of Paso Robles. Her "Red Rooster" was another photograph that my eye kept coming back to. We later talked on the phone and she gave me permission to share this with you. This is what she says about the picture:

The picture of the rooster was taken at my house in my yard. That particular rooster was one of the most beautiful roosters I had ever seen. He certainly walked around like he owned the place! That day when I decided to try to photograph him I wasn't sure how he would like it. The moment in the photo, I was laying on my stomach in the dirt (to get the right perspective) and he came toward me and was giving me "the eye" and I thought he was going to run at me but he stood there! I was glad he did not run at me! You can see his look of determination in the picture!

Anyway, like it says in my bio, I am inspired by the beautiful colors and textures we can see in the world around us given to us by the Creator. Such beauty, complexity and diversity from the mind of God Himself! What a blessing!

I later had a chance to meet Heidi when she was manning the Ranch Dressing Exhibit on July 16, 2010. She allowed me to interview her on video, and I will be sharing that on a separately at a later time.

Brief tour of the Ranch Dressing Art Exhibit - July 8, 2010

This exhibit was sponsored by the Paso Robles Art Association in its gallery at Studios on the Park in Paso Robles, California.Many of the people at this reception are members and have their works of art on the walls.

What is your experience with art exhibts?

Artists' Reception for Ranch Dressing Exhibit Sponsored by the Paso Robles Art Association
Artists' Reception for Ranch Dressing Exhibit Sponsored by the Paso Robles Art Association

I'm ashamed to say that I've just discovered our local art resources here is San Luis Obispo's North County. My first exposure was at the Day in the Shade in Templeton in May. Then I discovered Studios on the Park in June when I attended the Paso Robles Art Festival in the Park. It was through those events I became aware of this exhibit. I hope to attend many more, and I've become a frequent visitor to the Studios on the Park.

Have you attended a local art exhibit?

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Jake's Place, by Liv Hansen - I thought it was time to include a painter.

Jake's Place by Liv Hansen, taken at Ranch Dressing Exhibit, July 8, 2010, in Paso Robles
Jake's Place by Liv Hansen, taken at Ranch Dressing Exhibit, July 8, 2010, in Paso Robles

Actually, most of the art works at this exhibit were paintings. Liv says this painting "was inspired by my Uncle Jake's barn and cabin in Idaho." Liv joined the PRAA in 2000 when she moved to Paso Robles. She recalls: "At that time we met in the Call Booth house. Maybe we had 10 to 15 people at the meetings." She is glad the group has grown and now has a showroom at Studios on the Park to give the association and its members more exposure. At the time I wrote this, Liv was Vice President II in charge of the gallery, so i'm sure she had a lot to do with the planning of this exhibit.

At the "Gardens" exhibit, April 7, 2012, Liv was giving a free demonstration in the PRAA classroom at Studios on the Park on how to paint on silk.

More Favorite Works from PRAA Exhibits - These are in no special order.

The photo above I took in December, 2010 at the 'Through the Looking Glass" exhibit. Kathy Batdorf is a fiber artist and I love her 3-D creations, such as this "Bedtime for Dragon." You will be able to see it at all angles in the video of the "Through the Looking Glass" exhibit I will post below.

This photo was taken at the "Gardens" exhibit, for which Monika also did the sign for the show. This particular work is a paper sculpture that literally jumps out of its frame. See more of Monika's work on her Facebook Page

Through the Looking Glass Exhibit - Paso Robles Art Association

This video will let you see all the art that was on display in this exhibit, including a fused glass piece by Starr Lee, whom you will meet below. You will also get a closer look at Kathy Batdorf's fiber art dragon so that you don't miss any of the detail work.

Fused Glass by Starr Lee

Starr Lee Makes Fused Glass Art
Starr Lee Makes Fused Glass Art

I came across Starr Lee demonstrating how she creates her fused glass art at the "Through the Looking Glass" exhibit in December, 2010. She will explain it in the video below. See the work that Starr exhibited in this show in the video above.

Starr Lee Demonstrates Making Fused Glass Art

The Winners!

In this video, Phyllis Frank, the current president of the Paso Robles Art Association (as of July 8, 2010) announces those who won the ribbons in this juried exhibit. I have also tried to zero in to the winning works of art just after they are announced. Enjoy!

"Never Let the Horse Drive", by Nancy Vest

"Never Let the Horse Drive," by Nancy Vest, Ranch Dressing Art Exhibit
"Never Let the Horse Drive," by Nancy Vest, Ranch Dressing Art Exhibit

Nancy Vest was the only award winner I was able to make contact with for permission to feature her winning photograph here. I would love to feature the work of the others, so if you are one of the others reading this and would like your work featured here, please let me know.

Here's what Nancy herself says about her photograph: "The photo "Never Let The Horse Drive" is a photo of the mule LaVonda looking through the wrecked truck. Mules know they are smarter than horses so that is what LaVonda is conveying: "Never let the horse drive" if you want your vehicle back in one piece! I was at the right place at the right time do get her to look at me with just such an expression."

It's unfortunate that my flash detracted from the presentation of this picture. I'm not as good as the photographers in the Paso Robles Art Association.


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