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Water Pollution: Waste Water Treatment Systems

Updated on June 30, 2020

Different materials contribute to water contamination. Some examples are pet waste, fertilizer lawns, oil spills, paint, and solvent remnants.

These aspects can run through streams, lakes, and rivers when it rains or floods. In turn, these can affect the water system that people use for drinking, swimming, and fishing.

This is why it is important to know the correct ways of preventing water contamination.

Right here are some ideas on cleaning water supply:

In the Garden

  • Minimize solid areas in the yard, as these products could minimize the runoff from your home. Use vegetation, gravel, and other absorbent products instead of cement.

    Set up wood decking fences, bricks, and pave stones for pathways. Reroute your rain gutters and downspouts away from rain barrels, garden soil, grass, and gravel spots.

  • Use native plants and natural fertilizers. Native plants are tolerant in dry conditions so they only need less water. They provide habitat for birds and butterflies and are easier to maintain.

    Use natural fertilizers and other soil products, such as peat, garden compost, deteriorated manure, and bone meal, to enhance plant growth while maintaining soil moisture. Create your own compost so you do not need to buy chemical fertilizers.

In Your House

  • Dispose of your trash correctly. Do not flush non-degradable items, such as diapers and sanitary napkins, down the toilet.

    These could damage the wastewater treatment solution systems and may end up as a litter on beaches and bodies of water. Dispose of pet waste from your home by keeping it away from drains and streaming water systems.

  • Get rid of harmful household items properly. Keep liquid materials, such as paint, used oil, cleaning solvents, and insecticides, away from drain systems. To throw them properly, ask your local sanitation departments about the waste collection days and sites.

    In addition, pharmaceutical and personal care products could likewise contaminate the water. Inquire at health facilities to know their proper disposal.

  • Use non-toxic chemicals as much as possible. It is even much better if you do not buy any chemicals at all. Visit environmental internet sites to understand the options you can use.

In the Garage

  • Reuse used motor oils. Avoid pouring waste oil into the ground, gutter, or drains. A single drop of motor oil could pollute 250,000 gallons of drinking water when it seeps to groundwater.

    Always keep your automobile to decrease the risk of oil leaks, coolants, anti-freeze, and other unsafe chemicals.

  • Go to specialists for vehicle cleaning, as they know the correct means to drain wastewater into the sewer systems.

    This saves the environment from chemicals, such as oil and other automotive fluids.

In the Neighborhood

  • Identify, report, and stop water polluters. Sign up with ecological teams that keep track of sewer treatment plants and facilities, as they work with registered companies and organizations. Be a volunteer in your area to control garbage disposal correctly

  • Be active and be involved. Research and know more about the water problems in your community. Be associated with government decisions, financial investments, and tasks.

    Go to hearings to encourage public officials to support laws and programs that protect the water. Volunteer at clean-up tasks, tree planting, quality sampling, and stream contamination keeping track of jobs.

Having clean water means a healthy environment for people and other inhabitants to live in.

© 2020 Sid mark


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