10 Secrets to Have an Everlasting Happy Marriage: Quiz:Are You in Love?
Advise For a Happy Marriage
"Marriage is not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together and nothing matters more than your own sense of balance and your choice of partner." - Amy Bloom
Find 10 secrets to a happy marriage here:
1. Fight but within limits: Express your feelings but do not explode, stay in limit and respect each other. Encourage your partner to tell you when something is wrong. Try to get to the root of problems and take care of them in time. Resolve all the issues between you before you go to bed.
2. Have your own interest: because if your life is totally focused on your spouse, you are placing a burden on him and limiting yourself. Keep in touch with your friends, family, relative, pursue a hobby you like, join some organization, volunteer work or take some classes that interest you. Find time to fulfill your dreams.
3. Support Your Partner: If he/she is worried about a project that he/she has to present in the office, let he/she know that you care, even though you cannot really help in this area. Be proud of their achievement which will reflect on your life as well. Do little things at home like help in dishes, help in kitchen, make a coffee or taking out trash etc.
4. Be affectionate: Do not stop yourself to hold his/her hands and say I love you, the sweetest words in the English language. He/she won`t get tired of hearing them.
5. Always make time for each other: Okay, no matter how busy you are find some time to be alone with your partner. May be you need to set aside a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon or go away for the weekend. Make dates with each other and keep them. If you have kids, leave kids with relative and spend some quality time with your partner.
6.Appreciate your spouse: Do you thank her or him when they do you a favor? Do you treat your partner the same way as you would treat your friend? Sometime we forget the basic courtesies like thank you or sorry, at home when we live together longer.
7. Keep the good times in mind: When you are going through a hard time, bring up wonderful memories, sharing them will maintain a bond between you and remind you of the things that made you love each other in the first place.
8. Forgive and forgets: Do not keep replaying the same fight over and over, if your spouse has apologized for something already, try not to bring that subject again unless it is helpful and needed in conversation. If it is keep bothering you, ask yourself why? Be a good friend and do not hide anything from your partner. If you cannot change your behavior, need to see a counselor. If your spouse refuses to go with you, go by yourself.
9. Communicate your feelings: If you say “when you do that, I feel hurt, humiliated and angry” you are explaining your own reactions rather than accusing your spouse. And if you remember to say “I love it when you do that” it will encourage your partner and that will make you both happy.
10. Learn to compromise: Go to see a movie even if you do not want but he wants to see that movie. Eat Italian or Mexican food just because she wants to eat there but you want to eat at home. Chances are your compromises will even out in the long run.
And, you will be the happiest married couple in this planet. Your love will last longer and your kids will have the safest nest.they deserve.
Marriage Quotations:
"Oh, how we danced on the night we were wed
We vowed our true love though a word wasn't said
The world was in bloom, there were stars in the skies
Except for the few that were there in your eyes.
The night seemed to fade into blossoming dawn
The sun shone anew but the dance lingered on
Could we but relive that sweet moment sublime
We'd find that our love is unaltered by time."
- lyrics to "The Anniversary Waltz," composed by Dubin/Frankl
"We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness." - Ellen Goodman
Are you in love?
Answer the questions below and find out if you are in love with your beautiful partner.
1. Do you think about your partner every day even at work? And sometimes call just to ask them what they are doing.
2. Do you have same standard, laugh at the same things and have fun together?
3. Do you want to discuss everything important with your partner?
4. Does your partner always seem to be involved in your plans for the future?
5. How about the way your partner look? What others consider a flaw that gap between teeth, but do you think is cute?
6. Do you go to the theater because your partner loves it, even though you don`t?
7. Are you a better person because of your life partner?
8. Are you intensely curious about your partner`s family background, interest and work and do you want to show them things you have accomplished?
9. Do people keep asking why you are glowing and look so happy?
10. Do you feel a strong emotional and mental attraction towards him/her and enjoy being affectionate?
If you have answered yes to all or most of these questions then you are a perfect couple and respect each other`s feeling. Keep your love intact.
If you are not married, it may be the time to move on to the marriage proposal and get married soon. Life is too short. Don`t wait. Good Luck!
Love Quotations
"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it." - Robert Mitchum
"Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside." - Margaret Walker