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8 Tips to Get Over an Ex You Still Love

Updated on May 27, 2018

Almost everyone has been through a romantic relationship breakup, and it painfully hurts.While some people heal fast others take long. One thing that stands out among those who fully heal is how they self examine themselves, and their patience towards the whole healing process.

"When getting over an ex focus all your attention to you, you deserve all the attention now."

Experiencing a relationship breakup is horrible, but when you still have feelings for that person its even much hard. This article will walk you through 8 simple steps to get over a soul-crushing breakup.

1. Accept it's over

This is the first healing process. Acceptance. Mostly we live in denial of the fact that the relationship is over and done with. We try to think that we could still work on the relationship. However, if you want to get over your ex, accept its over and be willing to move on.

Allow yourself to grieve over your ex and the lost love you two shared, you can go talk about it with friends and family, they will listen and offer their opinion.

2. Re-examine the relationship

When a relationship breaks, we usually try to convince ourselves that it was the other person mistakes that led to the split. But since we want to get over it, stop and reflect on what really happened. This is the perfect opportunity for you to realize, that you also contributed to the split.

Take down a note and list down some of your bad traits that you think led to the split of the relationship, and those bad traits of your ex.

You will learn two things;

  • Some of your traits that make you fall out of relationships. It could be; you're too temperamental that made you fight alot, or maybe you're insecure when you see your partner befriending an opposite sex, or maybe you weren't committed to that relationship. After figuring out what your shortcomings are you will now have something to work on.
  • Your ex bad traits. This will be a reminder to you of the awful things they did to you. Just incase you feel like calling/texting/stalking them.

3.Focus on You

Breakups can crush your self esteem and ego. The thought of your partner having left you because you weren't 'good enough' for them, can make you start doubting yourself.

However, you can change this negative feelings into something positive. Write down 10 awesome traits you think stands out in you. Start with beautiful/good looking, then read them often to re- affirm yourself.

On the same vein of focusing on yourself, this is the best time to identify your gifted talents and skills to work on. It could be singing, writing, drawing, playing tennis or whatever skill. Identify them and start working on them whole heartedly. This will up your self esteem since you're already good at it, and it will serve as a distraction from thinking about your ex.

4. Avoid Rebounds

Immediate flings are a No.

When you enter another relationship before you heal, you will be faced with the same problems you're avoiding. Learn to face your ghosts, and not run from them. Indulging in rebounds to make your spirit high will make you feel more empty than you were at the beginning. Before getting in the dating scene once again, take time to heal.

5. Cut them Off

I know this clichéd and it doesn't cool the pain burning in your heart, but its important in the long run. Cut off your ex completely out of your life. Unfollow them on social media, block their contacts, get rid of their favorites in your house, and all reminders.

This will prevent you from feeling bad about yourself when you see them happy with someone else, when you're still stuck. In case you feel like calling them, remember our tip 2 above remember how bad they treated you and stop reaching out to them. I'm sure you don't want to go through those awful moments again.

6. Work on Your Goals

What is that one thing you want to achieve?

We all have that one idea that keeps bothering us even if we keep ignoring it. Sit yourself down and start working on it. Do you want to go back to school? Maybe learn a new skill? Or Start a business. Set goals, schedule them, and start working on them. You will be surprised at how much success you will achieve, while thinking less about your ex and thus healing up.

"Have people around you to help ease the pain you feel in your heart."


The feelings, attachment, and love you had during that time you were dating your ex cannot be scrapped off in a night. You need to be patient with yourself and allow yourself to heal at your own pace. When you feel overwhelmed with emotions take time and meditate, a few minutes a day may leave you feeling more calm.

8. Enjoy the New Freedom

What couldn't you do when you were dating your ex?

You have all the freedom now, go on and have fun. Call your guys/girls and go to the movies, or the beach, or try a new recipe and be happy.

Did your ex disapprove some of the things you really craved for? Now is the time to go and do it your way, without the fear of being judged. Go try that new hairstyle, get that extra piercing and just be happy.

Getting over an ex you still love requires you to be patient with yourself, be ready to walk through the healing process. With the tips above, you can start your way to healing from that soul crushing breakup.


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