Recognizing a Toxic Friend Group
How to know your Stuck in a Toxic Friendship:
We were all once stuck in a friendship where we weren't sure if it was worth all the fuss. More common than not, we end up feeling like we deserve to be in a terrible friendship like that. News flash! You don't. How do you know you're in a toxic friendship? Most people don't even recognize the fact until it's too late and they're stuck in an upsetting situation.
A couple of signs that YOU may be in a toxic relationship with your friend:
- Toxic 'friends' don't want to hang out or chat unless you can do something for them
- Real friends enjoy seeing you succeed while toxic 'friends' are jealous of your winnings
- Toxic 'friends' are constantly belittling you and all of your opinions(Or sometimes, everything you do)
- Real friends understand the need for being alone while toxic 'friends' need all of your time
- Toxic 'friends' won't allow you to hang out with other people they don't like.
- Toxic 'friends' enjoy seeing you fail and reminding you of past failures
- Real friends won't keep grudges, especially ones over little things
- Toxic 'friends' almost always play the victim when you confront them on their behavior
- Toxic 'friends' love to guilt trip you any chance they get
- One of the most important and obvious clues to you being in a toxic friendship is that toxic 'friends' want to change who you are while real friends accept and love you for who you are
But you Deserve a Good and Healthy Friendship!
No matter how much you think you don't deserve something, everyone deserves a good friend. Putting yourself through something like a toxic friendship can mess with your head. You nor your self-esteem deserve anything less than an amazing friend who cherishes you and everything that you do.
How do you get Out of Toxic Friendships?
The first thing you need to keep in mind when breaking free from a toxic friendship is that there is no need to feel any empathy for your so-called 'friend'. They most likely have never put you first, so don't put them first when it comes to your feelings. Remember that you have got to get them out of your life, it may make you sound like a horrible person to others but you need to respect yourself and delete them! Be as honest with them and describe the way they've made you feel, so they know that their actions hurt other people. After erasing that friendship, don't re-engage with them until they can truly show that they've changed their way. Put yourself first!
Traits of a Great Friend
| What YOU deserve
| Traits of a Toxic Friend
You can trust them with anything
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| Aggressively Possessive
Loyal-They always stand up for you
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| Thinks of you as a minion more than a friend, someone to do their bidding
They understand or try their best for you
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| Sefish-everything has to be about them or else
Make sure you know your worth
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| Talk behind your back, telling gossip about you whether it's true or not
Know your Worth
Knowing you worthy has a lot to do with your friendships. Remind yourself that you deserve what you give and not what you're getting. They didn't care for you when you were friends, they're not going to put you first when you leave. Just remind yourself that friendship is meant to be a deep connection between all participating members, not just one! Know yourself, know your worth.