Did I Choose Right?
Love Choice
Love: my choice
Is there such thing as a choice in love? Of course! We make choices every day and most of them are unconscious ones. However, love isn't one of them. It is an extremely conscious one. I believe feelings are the toughest aspect of our character to control - because we can't. Many of us are impulsive, over-thinkers, settlers, fighters, and million more. Sometimes also all together.
Truth is that when it comes to love, we should let our hearts decide. Except not. We should also use our heads because we might end up spending time with the wrong person and leaving behind beautiful people. Balancing these aspects is very difficult but knowing what we want from ourselves definitely clarifies what we can expect from others.
Am I With The Right Person?
Unfortunately I cannot provide the answer to this question for a myriad of different reasons - the first one being that I don't know what your relationship dynamic is. But we can find out right here.
Answer the questions below to determine your character and how you base your [love] choice.
Your Love Choice
view quiz statisticsRight or Wrong?
There is no right or wrong choice, rather a right or wrong feeling about the relationship or the time spent together?
Do they make you feel jealous all the time? Do they always find something wrong about you and point to your weaknesses? Are they not supportive? Is the communication unbalanced? If all the answers are yes, then probably you need some time alone to think the relationship over.
If, on the other hand, you found someone who always listens to you, cheers for your success, believes in who you are and your potentials, and always finds a way to make you feel like you're an amazing person, then you probably found a good match.
BE CAREFUL. There is a "be careful" unfortunately. People are also good liars. It was found that people can only lie for about three months, after that, the brain goes back to their normal selves and the real them comes out.
Me First
Another important aspect is NOT to leave yourself behind!
You are a lovable person and the only way to make someone else notice your best self is to be aware of it yourself. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect people to love you? Their love is a reflection of how you see yourself. Be confident, be proud of who you are and what you accomplished until now. There is plenty to give and plenty to achieve so don't stop and keep it up.
This aspect is often underestimated but it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Please believe in your potential and you will go far. When you are confident and determined, you reflect this to others and result in a more attractive self. You can be timid and over-think things but be confident of who you are and the choices you make.
Everything is based on respect: whether a professional, friend or love relationship.
Remember that you must give respect to get respect. Nothing should be taken for granted and this is a really important part of a relationship as communication is also based on this. Loyalty and trust immediately follow if respect is present.
Don't settle because you feel alone. Take some time for yourself and discover who you are again if you think you've lost track of it (sometimes it happens). Listen to your gut because if something is right or wrong, it will tell you right away.
Please respect each other and respect yourself. Everyone is human and we all make mistakes. If you love someone, respect them all the time (even when you are angry).