Foolish Questions Men, Women Ask Before Dating
People Who Did Not Ask Foolish Questions
Here We Go Again
getting aboard the “Love Caravan”and about to explore the natural area of dating. But we want to talk about “that” area of nervous anticipation when a boy and girl, or a man and a woman, meet, begin to talk and then fear, good ol’ fear, rears its ugly head. Then you have two loving people whose mouth can open and ask the most-foolish questions ever know to mankind, including ABCs Dating Game hosted by Jim Lange.
While I do admit that there were “those” times when either a girl or guy had to interrogate women or men behind a blind who answered the available man or woman looking for a date. For instance, a pretty girl once asked one of the bachelors, “if I am a banana, how would you peel me?” Man, were thr a lot of red faces, but the girl asking the question did not act as if anything were awkward. Lange did, as the camera shot toward him and he was putting his head on his podium.
Now. With my parameters now in place, I will “jump in with four feet,” and share “those” stupid, awkward, and embarrassing questions that potential daters ask one another.
Five Awkward Questions Men Ask Women For a Date:
“Uhhh,, do you have hemorrhoids? If you do, no problem. I always carry a tube of Preparation H with me for any occasion.”
“Say, how much money do you have on you?”
“You remind me of my “ex,” are you related?”
“Do you want to eat something from the supermarket?”
“Have you had a recently physical?"
Intelligent Questions Before a Date Can Lead to Marriage
Five Awkward Questions Women Ask Men For a Date:
“Did you make your own suit?”
“Do you live with your parents?”
“Do you think that I look like a German Shepherd?”
“Are you running from the law?”
“Is the cologne you are wearing named “Garlic in Paris?”
Listen to Me
right now. I am not kidding. I am totally-serious. I promise you and I do not make promises unless I can back them up, if you ask any or all of your distinctive area (Man or Woman), then your first date is bound for crashing and burning.
I do not like to hurt feelings, but there is NO way that anyone who is asked any of these questions would dare be seen by anyone in public who would dare ask any of these ignorant questions. So in order to have a great first date . . .keep your mouth shut. Or never ask these questions.
January 17, 2019__________________________________________________
Even Seniors Can Enjoy Dating if Questions Are Sensible
© 2020 Kenneth Avery