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Gay Pride London and Beyond: Be Loud Be Proud

Updated on April 27, 2023
ethel smith profile image

With a keen interest in British politics this writer is never afraid to share her opinion

Pride London

Gay Pride London 2009

Pride London Festival Fortnight has already started. Festival fortnight runs from June 20th 2009 until 5th July 2009. The London Gay Pride officially starts at the beginning of July with The Gay Pride march kicking off on 4th July 2009.

Much of the entertainment during this fortnight is supplied by relatively unheard of artists. Well, unheard of in relation to celebrity status or world famous names.

That is apart from Lorna Luft who is appearing on Friday 26th June 2009.

Pride London Parade is one of the most famous and best attended of such events worldwide. Attracting more than 5000,000 people it is in fact a massive event.

At 1pm on 4th July 2009 the Gay Pride Parade will set off from Baker Street, quite near to the Baker Street tube stop.

From about 2pm, when the parade gets to Trafalgar Square there will be a Gay pride Rally. This is expected to last until 10pm and it is hoped that there is no violence and trouble at any of the events.

The History of gay pride London

The first Gay Pride UK Rally was held way back in July 1972. In some ways we liked to think we were quite liberal at that time but you have to remember that Homosexual acts between consenting adults had been illegal until 1967.

The main thinking behind Gay Pride is that people should be proud of who they are, that there is nothing wrong with being different and that our sexuality is something beyond our control. Personally I agree with all three of these beliefs and think that they apply to everybody. As opposed to the shame many LBGT people were made to feel years ago everyone is now encouraged to be proud.

The purpose

Pride London is a registered charity which is run by volunteers and aims to organize a highly professional annual event. With a well manned stewarding system the event is usually fairly hassle free. Families, friends and colleagues and many LBGT friendly individuals take part and offer support.

London Gay Pride aims to help foster an atmosphere of understanding with regards to sexual diversity. It also tries to offer support to those who may have encountered discrimination, abuse, violence and or difficulties through being LBGT, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay or Transgender. Equality and a feeling of celebration a person's individuality is what Gay Pride is all about. To use an old adage "Live and Let Live" is very much the order of the day. However not in a quiet way but rather by being proud of what you are.

My opinion

It probably sounds crass to say that I have had plenty of gay friends down the years but I have.

Some have been openly gay for all to see. Others have been more private and I have been surprised when their sexual orientation has finally become apparent.

However all have been great friends and the rest has not mattered.

In this the 21st Century, in the year 2009, homophobic nonsense should be a thing of the past but I am afraid it is not.

With the BNP, British National Party, seeming to gather strength in the UK it is not just those of a non white race that need to be worried. Any person who is not heterosexual should be apprehensive. As a homophobic political party the BNP are bad news in many ways. Hell personally I think any right minded rational human being in the UK should treat carefully around this extreme right wing political party.

Be proud

With such people still gathering momentum it has never been more important to stand together. There even bad people in the world without getting caught up in people's sexuality. It is important that the Gay Community is able to stand up, in public, and show that they are proud of themselves as great individuals

Of course it is just as important for friends to support friends. Hopefully this will mean that London Gay Pride Parade 2009 will be bigger and better than ever but also peaceful.

If the weather is kind this years Gay Pride London Parade should have a mardis gras feel of fun with mountains of flamboyance thrown in. The floats, costumes, characters, personalities and entertainment make for a great event that is enjoyable for all, be you straight or not.

You never know I might see you there?

Gay Pride London

Click thumbnail to view full-size
AFTER HOURS PARTY 5TH JULY 2009Lodon Mayor Boris Johnson in the thick of it2008 parade LondonPride 2008 LondonPrevious entertainment during Gay Pride London100m flagLast year's, 2008, main stage in Trafalgar Square
Lodon Mayor Boris Johnson in the thick of it
Lodon Mayor Boris Johnson in the thick of it
2008 parade London
2008 parade London
Pride 2008 London
Pride 2008 London
Previous entertainment during Gay Pride London
Previous entertainment during Gay Pride London
100m flag
100m flag
Last year's, 2008, main stage in Trafalgar Square
Last year's, 2008, main stage in Trafalgar Square

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2009 Ethel Smith


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