How to save your relationship before it falls apart.
Are you in a trouble spot in your relationship? Do you find that things have changed somehow and you don't know what to do? Each couple has different dynamics between them, and when a trouble spot or the consideration of a break up is at hand, What can we do to get clear on our options and hopefully save the relationship?
Here are things to think about, when looking at the situation you are both in. Hopefully you can go over these together, to get to a greater understanding of what is really going on.
First of all, look at the most important areas of what your relationship is built upon.
Are you communicating? This is huge for both of you. Are you able to really listen?.
When you share your thoughts and feelings honestly and refrain from criticizing, you will then encourage your partner to share his or her feelings with you. This is when we learn and get insights to what is happening for the two involved in the relationship.
How well do you really know your partner? Do you really understand each other and know what truly makes the other person happy? Do you know how their needs differ from your own? Too often couples will be trying to love based on our own needs, instead of loving based on what our partner needs to feel loved.
TRUST, this is a huge factor and needs to be there for both people, solid and intact. Do you both understand each others definition of what trust means to them .
HONESTY, Do you feel you cannot be entirely honest and real with your partner, if this is so you should ask yourself why this is. Then ask your partner the same question. Knowledge brings awareness and light to the problem with this highly important issue.
RESPECT for men this one is number one, to men respect to them means love. For women it can be defined differently, this is often a culprit in miscommunication.
SEX AND INTIMACY is also important to both and everyone is different in terms of how much this means to them, but in every close bond, it is essential. needs can change over time, and can be a sensitive area for both. If you don't understand what each others needs are in this area then there is a huge gap in what you both are needing. Communication in this important area must take place in order to have a more satisfying relationship.
Please share below if you feel there are other areas you would like to mention. As there are many areas in relationships that can cause a trouble spot. The more information we have to help one another can only assist others. Thanking you in advance for your input.