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Have You Found Your Soul Mate Yet?

Updated on April 29, 2020
Beata Stasak profile image

Beata works as a qualified primary school teacher, a councillor for drug and alcohol addiction and a farm caretaker for organic olive grow.

Words found in old St. Paul's Church Baltimore dated 1692

'Go placidly amid the noise and haste, remember what peace there maybe in silence.'
'Go placidly amid the noise and haste, remember what peace there maybe in silence.'
'Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story.'
'Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story.'
'If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser person than yourself.'
'If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser person than yourself.'
'Exercise caution for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to virtue there is, many people strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism.'
'Exercise caution for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to virtue there is, many people strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism.'
'Be yourself. Do not feign affection, neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.'
'Be yourself. Do not feign affection, neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.'
'Take kindly the counsel of years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength fo spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. Be gentle with yourself.'
'Take kindly the counsel of years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength fo spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. Be gentle with yourself.'
'You are child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have right to be here.'
'You are child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have right to be here.'
'Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspiration.'
'Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspiration.'
'In the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.'
'In the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.'
'With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.'
'With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.'
You and me, hand in hand, standing in front of this ancient church, silent.
You and me, hand in hand, standing in front of this ancient church, silent.
Rumi words comes to my mind, when we finally move on, leaving our footsteps in the soft sand below.
Rumi words comes to my mind, when we finally move on, leaving our footsteps in the soft sand below.
'There is a thread from the heart to the lips, where the secret of life is woven. Words tear the thread but in silence the secrets speak.'
'There is a thread from the heart to the lips, where the secret of life is woven. Words tear the thread but in silence the secrets speak.'
You take my hand and we slowly start to climb up the rocky and steep slope.
You take my hand and we slowly start to climb up the rocky and steep slope.
Once the soul awakens, the search began.
Once the soul awakens, the search began.
For that special someone who can finish the sentence you just try to formulate in your mind.
For that special someone who can finish the sentence you just try to formulate in your mind.
"I understand." Something about those two simple words brings you peace.
"I understand." Something about those two simple words brings you peace.

There is a thread

that binds us together

into an invisible knot,

woven from the words

and silence...

Every individual is free to choose

what their heart wants to experience

and wants to feel...

You and me

know that our age

is not really different

from all other ages

because what works,

what brings happiness

is eternal.

My fellow reader,

let us open a book of poetry

by the Sufi master

written 800 years ago,

to see

the real cause of suffering.

The way to stop suffering

always remains the same.

My fellow adventurer,

my own personal mission

to nurture and empower you.

This is what turns me on, and

keeps me up often writing late into the night.

Let us put our thoughts together

and try for a good life...

My fellow human being,

in your world

love is tender



and respectful.

It is not about you.

It is about us,

and the magic of the moment

when two people

share from a good place in their heart.

My fellow member of the rat race,

we both have commitments in our lives

that we have to honour.

Still we are breaking away

from old patterns of conditioning

that have told us that

we are born to survive

at all costs.

That in order to be happy

we have to be something,

achieve something,

prove something.

There is not enough time in the day

to complete the tasks we need to do.

There is no room for a breather,

no space just to relax

and feel our heart,

the spirit deep inside us.

My fellow traveller,

let us walk together

and cut through

all that conditioning

that tells us to be

who we are not.

My friend,

we are able to see

through those ideas

as false,

and what remains is love


My fellow companion,

we get so in touch

with our inner feelings

when we talk.

It is unreal.

We know that

no one person can give the other person


and yet....

When we are alone,

we feel lonely.

We don't feel that we are loved,

just depressed and sad.

Sadness is such a beautiful emotion,

but when we are trapped in it

for hours, weeks or months

It leads to emotional suffering.

No one person can give the other person


and yet it is enough

to offer a hand

to walk the path

towards love and beauty


My fellow writer,

you and I

have such a creative side,

we can not put it in a box

to wither and die.

It has to be free

to be alive and well.

Talking to you from my soul

in poetry, music, stories or songs and

caring so deeply for each other.

It is just hard to believe.

My sister or my brother in pain,

we both share

our true feelings

and are not judged by it.

Loving each other, we dream

to hope that life is a story

where all that sadness,



jealousy and sacrifice

adds up to something, somewhere....

It is the same with great stories

of life -

of misery, hate and love.

Making us believe in each other,

clinging to each other,

in the same hope

that there is some reason for it.

In life you meet someone

that fills a need

that only that person can fill

or fulfil your life in a special way.

You become truly blessed.

We are that to each other.

You pour your soul out to me

and you feel that healing as a result of this.

Our hearts have connected,

in a beautiful way.

Let it have the wings it deserves.

My fellow dreamer,

hand in hand

we walk,

every day

on our own distant shores.

You along your rocky lake,

me along my sandy beach.

Mind and mind,

we write

every day

about a pristine bay.

Sharing the afterglow

of the setting sun,

stirring our beautiful emotions.

But we know that

imagination takes us only so far,

we need something to hold on to...

Poems that reflect on human emotions.

Songs that seek the universal truth

hidden in everyday individual encounters.

Let us talk, let us sing, let us write.....

We are always here

to steer each other

in the right direction...

When I am lost,

your words show me the way

that leads to you.

I see you

from a distance,

coming home

to me...

Note: Three wise men

and their beautiful words

were the source of inspiration

for this piece: an ancient poet,

an unknown thinker from middle ages

and any good poet of today, my soulmates...

There is a thread

that binds us together

into an invisible knot,

woven from the words

and silence...

Every individual is free to choose

what their heart wants to experience

and wants to feel...

You and me

know that our age

is not really different

from all other ages

because what works,

what brings happiness

is eternal.

My fellow reader,

let us open a book of poetry

by the Sufi master

written 800 years ago,

to see

the real cause of suffering.

The way to stop suffering

always remains the same.

My fellow adventurer,

my own personal mission

is to nurture and empower you.

This is what turns me on, and

keeps me up often writing late into the night.

Let us put our thoughts together

and try for a good life...

My fellow human being,

in your world

love is tender



and respectful.

It is not about you.

It is about us,

and the magic of the moment

when two people

share from a good place in their heart.

My fellow member of the rat race,

we both have commitments in our lives

that we have to honour.

Still we are breaking away

from old patterns of conditioning

that have told us that

we are born to survive

at all costs.

That in order to be happy

we have to be something,

achieve something,

prove something.

There is not enough time in the day

to complete the tasks we need to do.

There is no room for a breather,

no space just to relax

and feel our heart,

the spirit deep inside us.

My fellow traveller,

let us walk together

and cut through

all that conditioning

that tells us to be

who we are not.

My friend,

we are able to see

through those ideas

as false,

and what remains is love


My fellow companion,

we get so in touch

with our inner feelings

when we talk.

It is unreal.

We know that

no one person can give the other person


and yet....

When we are alone,

we feel lonely.

We don't feel that we are loved,

just depressed and sad.

Sadness is such a beautiful emotion,

but when we are trapped in it

for hours, weeks or months

It leads to emotional suffering.

No one person can give the other person


and yet it is enough

to offer a hand

to walk the path

towards love and beauty


My fellow writer,

you and I

have such a creative side,

we can not put it in a box

to wither and die.

It has to be free

to be alive and well.

Talking to you from my soul

in poetry, music, stories or songs and

caring so deeply for each other.

It is just hard to believe.

My brother in pain,

we both share

our true feelings

and are not judged by it.

Loving each other, we dream

to hope that life is a story

where all that sadness,



jealousy and sacrifice

adds up to something, somewhere....

It is the same with great stories

of life -

of misery, hate and love.

Making us believe in each other,

clinging to each other,

in the same hope

that there is some reason for it.

In life you meet someone

that fills a need

that only that person can fill

or fulfil your life in a special way.

You become truly blessed.

We are that to each other.

You pour your soul out to me

and you feel that healing as a result of this.

Our hearts have connected,

in a beautiful way.

Let it have the wings it deserves.

My fellow dreamer,

hand in hand

we walk,

every day

on our own distant shores.

You along your rocky lake,

me along my sandy beach.

Mind and mind,

we write

every day

about a pristine bay.

Sharing the afterglow

of the setting sun,

stirring our beautiful emotions.

But we know that

imagination takes us only so far,

we need something to hold on to...

Poems that reflect on human emotions.

Songs that seek the universal truth

hidden in everyday individual encounters.

Let us talk, let us sing, let us write.....

We are always here

to steer each other

in the right direction...

When I am lost,

your words show me the way

that leads to you.

I see you

from a distance,

coming home

to me...

For all the creative souls out here who are searching endlessly for the lost humanity and how to re-claim it because the world around us is bigger than our single threads of individual connectivity but together those threads make the world turn just right way...


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