Help Your Loved Ones to Get Inside the Train
Help your loved ones to get inside the train.
Today before I woke up, I saw a strange dream. In my dream, I was waiting to catch a train at a railway station. I was talking to my nephew and paying with him. I don't know when the train came. The train was not running, and the engine was off. The last compartment of the train was near us. Suddenly I heard the sound of the engine starting. Then I ran taking the bag to the train. I called my mom to run and get on the train. But the train started to move and was slowly taking momentum. Mom ran to the door of the train and couldn't get in. As the train taking speed I hold the handle and jumped in. When I looked back, mom was looking at the train and weeping. While weeping she turned back and started to walk away. Again I heard the sound of my father asking why we hadn't get on the train since the train was staying there for a long time. I had no words. I was not able to stop the train.
When I woke up, I was asking some questions to me. Why we ware waiting at the station when the train was there? Why hadn't I got in on time along with my mom?
Feeling of left behind
It is strange and disturbing to see my loved one left behind. We are on the way, but our loved one is not with us. How great it would have if my mom was with me on the train. The journey would have been pleasant if she was with me. If we come to the train a minute before, she could have been with us. Seeing her tears were heartbreaking. She was dressed up and ready for the journey. I was thinking about the dream and the following questions pop up in my mind.
"She may be said goodbye to everyone at the neighborhood before she departed. When she returned home, how she faces her neighbors? What she says to those who ask for the reason for her return.
Can you imagine the strange situation happens to you? You are on the train and your mom to whom you loved more is not with you on your journey. How terrible it would be.
We are living in a world of uncertainty. We do not know what will happen in the next moment. It is better to be alert. Don't miss the train.
We are engaged with many things. We forget we are in the station and about to catch the train. Our talks and engagements distract our attention. We indulge in many things which would keep our attention away from our objectives. We miss the focus and stay back in the station. The train is ready to depart. We should get in as soon as possible. You may jump inside the train. What about your old mother. She won't be able to jump inside, as you do when it started to move. Better you and your loved ones get in before the train started to move. It will move unexpectedly.
Use the time now. Otherwise, it would be too late to get in.
We need to follow God. This is the time to follow Him. Keep the commandments. Love God. Live a fulfilling life. And be ready for the train. I would say to be inside the train. Do not waste your time laughing and playing around. This is the time to get inside the train. Unexpectedly it will start to move. We do not know when we get out of this world. Suddenly and unexpectedly it will happen. We do not know the time or hour. Accidents, natural calamities are happening around us and unexpectedly many were gone from among us. They were with us. Playing with us. Eating with us. Sharing jokes with us yesterday. But no more among us today.
Get on the train. Be alert and help your loved ones to get inside the train. If you do so, you won't regret it. Your journey will be a pleasant one.
I don't know whether you believe in heaven or hell. I don't know whether you believe in eternity. Anyhow it is better to be prepared than to catch unexpectedly.
Be alert and be ready to get in.