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10 Ways You Could Lose Your Wife's Respect

Updated on May 22, 2020
Make excuses to stop helping your wife with household chores.
Make excuses to stop helping your wife with household chores.
Yelling at your wife for the smallest things.
Yelling at your wife for the smallest things.

No respect leads to divorce

Time to share a well-guarded marital secret: If a married guy loses the respect of his adoring wife, you might as well rip out his heart. Do not laugh. I know that it's 2015 and things in society, work, and personal relationships have changed, but not this one. Both men and women need and deserve respect.

Throughout my 61 years this is one of the things that I have witnessed first-hand by observing two of my now-divorced friends when I was running with them thinking that drinking beer was a talent. But I have covered that story, so here are a few things about "Joe" and "Amos," not their real names, I just want to share with you how these two former friends lost the respect of their wives and it wasn't really that hard.

"Amos" had this thing about degrading his wife especially in front of friends in public places or when they visited other couples. Then "Amos," would brag to me and other guys about how "he" had to step in and show his wife who knew things and who didn't. I give you my word. This guy had no conscience.

Spend all of your paycheck in a strip club, but tell your wife you gave it to a  needy person.
Spend all of your paycheck in a strip club, but tell your wife you gave it to a needy person.
Acting injured so you will not have to help your wife with projects around the house.
Acting injured so you will not have to help your wife with projects around the house.
Taking money from your joint checking account and not telling your wife.
Taking money from your joint checking account and not telling your wife.
Always complaining about her cooking.
Always complaining about her cooking.
Making booze your god.
Making booze your god.
You choose getting wasted with your buddies than being with her at home.
You choose getting wasted with your buddies than being with her at home. | Source
Staggering in home reeking of booze and tell your wife that "Your pals made you do it to celebrate another pal's birthday."
Staggering in home reeking of booze and tell your wife that "Your pals made you do it to celebrate another pal's birthday." | Source
Getting drunk every night and giving your money to all of the strippers.
Getting drunk every night and giving your money to all of the strippers.
Spending 80% of your off-time with your friends in a strip club.
Spending 80% of your off-time with your friends in a strip club.

"Joe" would tell his wife that he had some photographic work to do on the Saturday that he and some others, (not me, thank God), had a need to run wild, drink while driving, and visit as many strip clubs as they could. "Joe" was a great liar. And a talented photographer also. He ran the photographic reproduction department of one of the newspapers in the chain of papers I worked for. Yes, "Joe," would brag to me just how bad of a hang-over he had and how much money that he "blowed" in such and such club. And this was his doctrine: "Men are wired to do certain things--even when they get married."

Believe me there are more things I could share about these two, but nothing would be accomplished. So now I am sharing my new hub entitled . . .

How to Lose Your Wife's Respect in 10 Easy Ways

10.) Tell your wife lies about anything and everything from how much of a raise you "really" got to why did your shirt smell like Chanel No. 5 one night last week.

9.) Always make it a point to be late or not show up at all to all of the important dates that "she" needs your company. Her birthday, anniversary, or promotion at work. Yeah, those are perfect for you to just blow them off and stagger home after a rousing night at "Rounders, Inc.," a strip club with real carpet on the floor.

8.) Never take her side when someone hurts her. Especially when you witnessed the hurtful event.

7.) Take cash from your joint checking account behind your wife's back to gamble on football games and horse racing for your friend, "Lucky," told you of eight "sure things." So if they were that sure, why didn't you come home with a car full of cash?

6.) Instead of a romantic gift for your anniversary or her birthday (speaking of this again), do not put any thought into her gift. Just get four new tires put on the car. Yes, sir. She will love it.

5.) Neglect mowing the lawn until your home looks like a jungle hut.

4.) Only act like you are listening to her troubles at the end of a long day, but when "Shelly," her best single friend visits, you are all ears. Do you not think that your wife can see how you make such a difference in her and this girl?

3.) Have your buddies cover for you by telling your wife that you have to go with them all of the weekend on company business in Las Vegas to entertain a new client and when you are busted, tell all of the lies you can make-up. Yep, you are soon going to be thought of by your wife as a lying piece of trash.

2.) Look for ways to openly-insult her parents when they visit you and the wife for an entire weekend. Yes, they intentionally planned to stay the weekend to knock you out of watching an ESPN special entitled: "The NFL's Hottest Cheerleaders."

And this one always rates . . .

1.) Let your wife catch you in bed with one of her friends, maybe "Shelly," in a "Moonlight All-Night Motel," where you can register as Dick and Trisha Nixon. Buddy, I want you to know this and know it well. There are NO lies you can tell that will get you out of this one.
I published this piece for two reasons:

1.) To give you, the unstable married guys some information that if used correctly, will help you.

2.) To cause a decline in divorce lawyers' business on a nationwide scale.


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