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How to Propose During this Coronavirus Pandemic

Updated on May 2, 2020
Loretta Awosika profile image

Loretta is a writer who loves to research and write on a wide variety of interesting topics including relationship, marriage and friendship.

With most of the world currently on lockdown, due to the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of plans and activities have come to a screeching halt. Travel bans, stay at home and social distancing orders issued to help curb the spread of the virus have ensured that taking your relationship to the next level just became tougher and almost impossible at this time.

For some people, a proposal, or a wedding at this uncertain times is not ideal, but for the resilient romantics amongst us, going by the number of proposals and weddings we have seen on social media and online recently, it shows that proving how precious and important love is, is just what the world needs at a time like this – light in this dark times.

You might be wondering, how you could surprise your partner with the proposal you had planned. Although these measures which have been put in place to help flatten the curve may have ruined your plans, thanks to some creativity you can still make the proposal happen, just not exactly like you planned I guess.

The Importance of Love and Positivism in this Time of Corona

A proposal or wedding during this global pandemic will probably not be the way you dreamed or imagined but if you decide to go on, you can make it just as intimate and memorable providing some much-needed light and joy in this dark and sad time. For most people right now, the celebration of love such as a proposal is good news in the midst of all the illness and death. Something positive to bring smiles on people’s faces in a world filled with somber news every day.

However, first, you would have to downsize to a minimalist proposal in order to adhere to the social distancing, and then you would have to consider the location too. You, your partner, and maybe the photographer lurking at some distance, in a very private location. It might be different but it’s special and unique while being safe.

You don’t have to put your plans and life to a complete hold and wait for normal life to resume. You can take your life into your hands, adjust accordingly, and move confidently to the next stage of their relationship – the Proposal.

Here are some ideas to help you through this loving hurdle at this time.

1. No diamond ring?

That shouldn’t stop you, you probably didn’t have enough time to go ring shopping before the lockdown. If you live in the US or Canada, you can contact a jeweler and schedule an over the phone consultation about getting a custom ring made or placing a ring order. These would allow you to consult on the type of ring you think your partner would like, they could send you pictures as well and also have the ring delivered to you at home.

If you live in Europe, countries like Italy and Spain, are in total lockdown so it might be difficult to get a ring, you can improvise, and go ring shopping with your partner when its okay to do so.

2. Location?

Consult with your planner and photographer about the most important factor at this time – location. You have to review your location to avoid crowded places.

For the proposal, you could stick to your original plan but with modifications that include adhering to the coronavirus guidelines, such as avoiding crowded places, you could move the proposal to a more private or isolated location e.g., taking a social distance approved stroll on the beach, decorating somewhere in your home, a rooftop.

Ideas for locations include a beach that adheres to the social distancing guidelines, a rooftop, your backyard, or inside your house beautifully decorated.

3. Remember to keep to safety guidelines, wash your hands, use hand sanitizers, and avoid crowded places.

4. To prevent putting your loved ones at risk, you can forget about inviting family and friends. Instead, you could plan for a live viewing and further surprise your significant other or video call them after the proposal to share the news. A group live, skype, it would be so much fun.

Altogether, you should keep the faith and stay positive. The coronavirus pandemic and quarantine should not stop you from expressing your love to your partner, we all need love now, more than ever. The timing is not perfect because it is an uncertain time and we have no idea how long this will go on, but you might as well go the journey with your partner by your side.

Remember to wash your hands, use a face mask, and stay safe.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Loretta Osakwe Awosika


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