I long for him in my Dreams
One day it was very windy and stormy morning. I was rushing to work like a regular routine. I saw two people holding each other under the tree. I was busy with my life so I ignored the scene and walked pass them. I didn’t realise that i am missing on a very beautiful moment of life. As I was more mechanical in my life chores so I forgot about that moment which somewhere left impression in my mind.
Time passed by, and one day after couple of years I saw that couple again at the same place holding each other hand the same way I saw them couple of years ago, with same strength . This time like always i passed away again, But this time i felt restless after passing away from them. Every day i use to follow same route to work and i can today say that i feel that somewhere my eyes use to long for them as they left an indefinite impression in my memory.
After few years i realised they were no one but was creation of my own thoughts as it was me who always longed for someone who can hold me tight in my life, especially when it’s windy and stormy. As it was my mind who was missing on someone.
But it was too late for me to realise as I don’t know where i have left him behind due to worldly desires. But since i have realised i miss him in my Dreams every day.
This love note is for him who is still 'A Dream close to my Heart'.
As it’s well said its “Everybody knows how to Love but very few know how to stay in Love with one person forever”