In Love: A Poem About a Young Woman's Romanticism of Her Crush
I'm in love with you.
Never knew that one day I would meet
Someone who I admire beyond the outside.
Never knew that this could happen to me.
When I'm alone, I think of you...constantly.
My mind is drenched with the memories
Of how you respect me, love me without even
Touching me, and how you look into my eyes
And see beyond the darkness of my irises.
Your presence makes my body tremble with fear.
Fear? Not afraid fear, but fear out of respect
Yet sometimes I am afraid of you. Or is it
That I'm afraid of being with you?
Disappointment has creeped into my life in the past
Disguising itself as an angel of love but revealed
Its truth like a heartless beast. I'm not disappointed
In you as of yet. I don't think I will ever be
Disappointed in you.
I admire you! I love you! You respect me, listen
To me, and most of all you challenge me.
You are handsome to me. Even when age comes
Upon us with our great-grandchildren in tow,
You will always be handsome to me.
I admire you, I enjoy you, I respect you...
I'm in love with you, always.
© 2014 SN Brown MEd