Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me? Seven Ways to Tell
1. He Is Being Too Protective Of His Phone
Our lives revolve around our phones these days, but most of us can get away from it when we need to, at least when we have something pressing to attend to. But if you find your man not parting with his phone even when he is in bathroom, know that something is up! I have experienced this and if he recently changed his password and you are unable to access his phone anymore, know that something is fishy. Be on a look out for long chats and conversations on the phone that stop abruptly when you are in the room. These are not good signs at all and you must think about confronting your man or leaving him.
Be on a watch our for long chats and conversations on the phone that stop abruptly when you are in the room. These are not good signs at all and you must think about confronting your man or leaving him.
2. He Has Changed His Appearance In Some Way
If your man has always been someone who took care of himself then this may not be such a big deal, but if you find him suddenly being too concerned about what he is wearing and his hair or some other significant change, know that it is not normal. Men tend to usually be not too concerned about the way they look, but when someone new comes into their life, they tend to make these changes to please them. So, the next time you smell that new perfume on him, know that it is definitely not normal.
If your man has always been someone who took care of himself then this may not be such a big deal, but if you find him suddenly being too concerned about what he is wearing and his hair or some other significant change, know that it is not normal.
3. He Does Not Pay You Any Attention
Has your loving man turned into something else? If so, it's time to pay attention to what's going on. If he used to be kind and caring but now does not respond to your needs, then something maybe up. Subtle signs include not helping you with housework, picking up fights often or insulting you in front of the guests. If he is cheating on you, there is someone else in his mind who has taken the space that used to reserved for you and now you are all but demoted to a not-so-pleasant space.
Subtle signs include not helping you with housework, picking up fights often or insulting you in front of the guests. If he is cheating on you, there is someone else in his mind who has taken the space that used to reserved for you and now you are all but demoted to a not-so-pleasant space.
Is he cheating on me?
4. He's Too Nice To You
As much as you maybe delighted that your man is paying you extra attention all of a sudden, know that such a change can be indicative of other things. Sometimes this kind of a behavior comes from guilt. He maybe cheating on you with someone else, but harboring guilt about it and so, he wants to--at least in his mind--make it okay with you. If he suddenly brings you flowers or takes you expensive restaurants, know that this kind of an unexplained change is one of the red flags women often miss.
He maybe cheating on you with someone else, but harboring guilt about it and so, he wants to--at least in his mind--make it okay with you. If he suddenly brings you flowers or takes you expensive restaurants, know that this kind of an unexplained change is one of the red flags women often miss.
Five Shocking Signs He's Cheating On You
5. He Comes Home Late
If he has frequent late-night meetings in the office or if that's what he's been saying, then you need to be on high alert! he may not be working hard trying to provide for you family. He maybe, as your intuition suggests be with another woman! A good way to know if he is in the office or not, is to call him during those hours and see if he picks up the phone. If he does, then you know whether he is with someone else or not. It's not good to assume--he may really be busy at work. But then, this is one of the sure signs of a cheating husband.
If he has frequent late-night meetings in the office or if that's what he's been saying, then you need to be on high alert! he may not be working hard trying to provide for you family. He maybe, as your intuition suggests be with another woman!
How to spot a cheater, expert reveal
6. He Spends Less Time With The Family
Did he not make it to your daughter's recital? Was he not present for an important family event? If so, know his priorities have changed a lot and this could only go one way: down. If he is not present around his own family, he maybe investing his time elsewhere (it's anyone's guess where it is). A man is usually committed towards his family because he sees himself as a provider, but if his attention is elsewhere, this may change.
7. Things Change In The Bedroom
If your sex life changes, you can be sure that there is something going on. Either you start having too much sex or you haven't gotten intimate in a long time: both are red flags. It's also a red flag if he tries something new with you in the bedroom. This often means that he has learnt it from new sources (read new woman).