Is It Possible To Love Someone Too Much?
You Deserve The Best!
Love yourself first and foremost!
There have been many books and articles written about people who love too much. The phenomenon of loving someone too much is usually applied towards women. One very notable book is “Women Who Love Too Much” by Robin Norwood.
What is too much?
Does a mother who is willing to die in place of her children love them “too much”? Does a man willing to risk his life to protect his family from an intruder love them "too much"?
Under these circumstances there is no such thing as loving someone "too much".
It's only when we discuss (romantic love) that we buy into the concept that it's possible to "love too much" and yet most of these people would not die for those they "love too much".
Usually when one believes they love someone "too much" what they're really saying is (they don't love themselves enough!) In some way they have given up being themselves or sacrificed their wants, dreams, and needs in order to fit into the other person's world and now they realize their mate would have never done the same for them. It's not so much about "loving too much" as it is a feeling of "Inequity of love" in the relationship.
Having a lack of confidence and low self-esteem will lead one to feel undeserving or lucky to have someone in their life and therefore they walk on eggshells or live in fear of losing them. Once again this is NOT loving someone "too much" but rather Not Loving YOURSELF Enough!
It's impossible to be too healthy, too happy, or love someone too much.
You are responsible for cultivating your own self-worth and setting your own standards.
You must be willing to risk not being liked or loved for being yourself.
No one is going to win them all!
It’s important to know yourself well enough to be able to recognize the traits you desire in a mate as well as those traits that collide with your needs and wants.
Each of us selects our own friends, lovers, and spouse.
You are responsible for your own happiness!
Ultimately we are looking for someone who will love and appreciate us for who we are.
As one famous hit song once invoked: The Greatest Love of All is Learning to Love Yourself!