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Jealous of a Woman Your Husband Works with

Updated on April 17, 2024
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Jealousy in Marriages

Have you ever been jealous of a woman your husband works with?

Your husband works with a younger woman and speaks to her as if to say she is a special one in his life.

He talks to her in a sweet tone and tries to impress her with his tone of voice. A jealous wife trying to cope with her husband’s young female co-worker.

How does that make you feel like the wife of this man?

What do you do when you are concerned about a female coworker to your husband?

This woman has been married to her husband for three decades. They love each other very much, but there is a problem with the female coworker.

Why does this woman feel this way?

She met her husband in the workplace and fears that her husband has a habit of forming another relationship in the same way. Insecure of their coworker relationship that her husband has at work.

She is afraid that something could spark up between them. He is happy when the coworker comes home tired and does not often speak as much as he would at the workplace.

The young female colleague has formed a close working relationship with the married man. This makes the wife feel awkward visiting the workplace. This female coworker gives an inviting smile to the husband and is happier when he is at work.

His presence at work makes her smile and it is obvious that she prefers it when he is at work. They discuss a lot of issues in their lives and gossip about the local people.

This man calls her the sweetest words and makes her feel superior to his wife. He cannot stay away from work to miss the conversations of the young coworker.

His wife is home while he works daily and it is not fair to the wife to disregard her feelings when he speaks to coworkers. When he spots her out in public places, he is ecstatic and shouts out her name to get her attention.

It is such behaviours that concern the wife. To hear such excitement in her husband’s voice when he sees another woman determines other issues in their marriage.

Many incidents that occurred made the wife feel like she did not belong to her husband. In the presence of the wife, the husband visits work on his day off to say ‘’hello,’’ to the coworker.

It is of interest to the husband on occasion to contact the coworker when he is not at work. The coworker visits the workplace on her day off as well to make each other feel happy, to say, ‘’hello.’’

Do you think the wife should be jealous of the young blonde coworker?

Of course, trust means everything to a couple but in this case, the signs are clearer to the wife that her husband has a close relationship to his coworker.

The wife sees it as different from the husband’s view. Being jealous of your husband’s young female coworker is one thing, and not trusting your husband is another issue.

If you trust your husband, you have nothing to be concerned about. Trust is everything and nothing should make you feel insecure about your marriage.

Do you think the coworker could come on to your husband?

No woman including this female coworker has power over your husband. He is trustworthy and you love him and if you do not have trust nothing will feel good in your marriage.

A woman who has given a man three decades of her life ought to mean something to him, right?

Has your husband given you a reason to distrust him?

If he has made his female coworker a priority what would you do?

Communicate and let him know he is drifting away from you. Increase date nights and spend more time together to remind your husband you are there for him.

Is he having an emotional affair and does not realize that he has overstepped boundaries?

Focus on yourself more than the other woman.

Is he encouraging his female coworker to flirt?

You must see this from all sides and work out the problem together. Remind your husband to keep it professional at the workplace.

If your husband has not introduced you to his female coworker is that a problem?

When you argue with your husband about the female coworker this makes him feel that he is not trusted by his wife.

The constant fights tell him there is no trust in their marriage and this coworker is married and needs the attention of another man. Her husband does not give her the attention she needs and seeks this from her husband.

Since they work together, it feels good to have a man on her side at the workplace. You love your husband and expect him to prioritize you as the wife and to make time for you, but he chooses otherwise.

The coworker becomes this person that he cannot do without while the wife is home all day waiting for him to get back. It is not fair for a woman for her husband to flirt and behave as a single man when he is supposed to be committed to his wife and marriage.

He trusts that his wife will not behave as the coworker does, but does what he knows affects his wife's emotions.

It is as if his wife must accept this behaviour and if she doesn't, then she can leave the marriage.

He thinks it is funny when confronted about the issues in the workplace and ignores the feelings of his wife.

It is inappropriate to call a female coworker sweet words without your partner hearing about it. This is especially true if the wife or the husband of each is not present. In either way, a married person should not treat their married partners with disrespect.

She can be flirtatious, gorgeous, or a bubbly person nothing matters until your husband responds to her actions. When or if your husband walks away from these actions, she will be the fool outside your marriage.

If the female coworker calls your husband on a work-related issue, it should not be a problem. However, if she calls him up to have a friendly chat it is wrong of her to do so, and to take him away from his family time.

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Flirty or friendly coworker

Are Jealous of a Woman Your Husband Works with?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Devika Primić


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