Learn How to Grow Through A Breakup
Breaking up is something that most people will go through at least once in their life. It’s a part of life, and something people must go through in order to learn what they really need from a relationship. Learning and growing after a break up can be hard, but it’s a necessary evil.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when entering a relationship is making too many concessions, and expecting things to change. While people are capable of change, usually something that bothers you about your significant other in the beginning of a relationship will only get worse as later on. The reason for this is that people grow comfortable in their skin and only look to change when they feel it’s necessary. Even if you make it a point to tell your significant other that something about them bothers you, more likely than not, your criticisms will be met with resentment rather than the change you are looking for. The best advice for this dilemma is learning to accept your significant other for their flaws as well as their positive points, or if you can’t accept their flaws then move on.
The world is filled with billions of people, and sooner or later you will find someone that is compatible with what you want, but you have to know what you want before you can find someone that is compatible with you. This is why many relationships end, because in the game of love trial and error is the only way to learn and grow, but you have to be able to learn your lessons. Many times, people will go into one relationship after another making the same mistakes, because they are too stubborn to understand that a breakup isn’t the end of the world. Breakups are merely the road signs that point you to where you need to be, and just like a highway; life has many twists and turns before you get to your final destination.
Learning and growing after a break up is the key to finding true love. Life’s lessons may be hard, especially when you get closer and closer to finding what you want, but if you give up on love; you will never find what you want. Don’t give up, accept each lesson as it comes, and one day the lessons will be over and you will know what true love is.