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Living In The Shadow Of A Perfect Life

Updated on September 28, 2011

Living The Perfect Life


Are you living in the shadow of a perfect life? Are you looking for others to make you feel good about yourself or give you constant praise. There is an affirmation that only Christ can give you.

So many people are chasing the perfect life. The dream of a beautiful home, the perfect job and marriage. When we feel unfulfilled we tend to blame it on our wants and desires. Most do not look to see if God is really a part of their lives. You can be rich, have a great marriage but why do some have affairs or get divorced. The reason is because the devil loves to make people think in a false positive. This is called shadow Dreams. We chase after self-esteem. Pursuing the perfect relationship for happiness and security.

Here are the 5 steps to living a resilient life that God intends for you to live.

1. Developing a personal relationship with God.

People who live the resilient life have developed a pattern of a regular intake of God's word. They have learned how to form and shape the dialogue of the word and prayer based on thier personality. I try to learn more about God's word by attending church. Also by reading the Bible and getting an understanding of the Bible. When we have trouble in our lives try reaching out into God's word there are phrases and verses that can actually help you solve any problem. Gaining an understanding the holy spirit will guide you in your deepest trouble.

2. Live life with a clear sense of God's calling.

Every believer has the ability to reach the lost, build the body and bring glory to God. Do you know what your purpose for living your life is? Most people do not. Is it making allot of money? The purpose of your wants and desires is not the purpose of living a full filling life. There a re many deadly sins that will .separate us from God. Find out what they are. Is it Greed, Adultery, or Drugs? We all know what sin is and sometimes we maybe in denial about it. Get help from someone before it's too late.

3. Are always learners.

To learn as much as you can about life and trying to live a life without sin. It is very hard but it gets easier when you free yourself from sin you will become closer to God. Sin comes in many forms. Are you addicted to something on this earth? The ability to free yourself from the sin takes strong will and desire.

4. Devoted to passing on to others what God has given to them.

Do you have a gift to communicate or reach the lost? Helping another person is a gift. I have just begun learning what my true gifts are. It doesn't happen over night. I write because I enjoy it and also have a desire to help. You must use your gifts and not expect any reward. Find yourself by learning more and God will direct you.

5. Living life on a purpose.

" But seek first his righteousness and all these will be given to you as well" Matt 6:33

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." The second is this " Love your neighbor as yourself" there is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31

Trust me my life isn't perfect. I have been through many trials and tribulations. We are tested everyday. The devil loves to separate us by addictions and material possessions. He knows what your weaknesses are. Make yourself stronger and keep the faith.

God Bless,




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