The Best Way to Love Your Man
Video from YouTube of Maya Moore Who Fought for Her Man Jonathan to be Released from Prison After Being Wrongfully Accused
Maya Moore Fought for Her Man Wrongfully Convicted Now Free
We all appreciate and admire a great love story. The love demonstrated by a brave young woman who fought for the release of her man caused millions to rejoice. On the television news show #Good Morning America, news archor Robin Roberts captivated our attention as she interviewed #Maya Moore and Jonathan Irons. Elated with pure joy for the couple Robin explained, “Back here on GMA and l hope that you remember this powerful moment #Jonathan Irons walking out of prison as a free man. Twenty-three years after a wrongful conviction, greeted by his family and his advocates that included WNBA star Maya Moore. Two months they are paying it forward in a big way.“ This interview was featured on YouTube and is included about this couple’s incredible story of their fight for justice and love.
Robin Robert’s continued the interview by stating, “It has been two months since Jonathan‘s lrons was released from prison after serving 23 years of a wrongful conviction. A victory won with the help of #WNBA superstar Maya Moore who stepped away from the game at the height of her career to fight for Jonathan’s freedom.” Within the video shown after Jonathan‘s release he exuded with excitement and said, ‘l feel like l can live life now. I’m free, l’m blessed.’ Yes. Maya Moore fought for the freedom of her man Jonathan who was innocent. Now that he is free do their story end there? For those followers of this couple lets continue.
Robin Roberts discusses how Maya and Jonathan ”are teaming up to inspire others to fight for what’s right... Reminding us all that change starts in our own backyard.” With tremendous anticipation by viewers because there was something different this time about Maya and Jonathan. There was a glow oozing from their faces that was undeniable. Robin asked with tremendous anticipation, what was going on? “So, you wanna share any announcement with us Maya, Jonathan?” They lovingly look into each other’s eyes as Maya states, “Absolutely! We want to announce today that we are super excited to continue the work that we’ve been doing together but doing it as a married couple. So we got married a couple months ago and we’re excited to just continue this new chapter of life together.“ With excitement Robin jokingly teased the couple by stating, ”Jonathan put a ring on it. He put a ring on it! He‘s got a ring himself. You know Jonathan and Maya there are people that are jumping up and down right now because when they saw you on air. They were like, is there something going on between these two? But remind people that you had no idea who he was. That you had family and friends who introduced you to him and that is how all this evolved. Can you just tell us about this love story? How it began?”
Maya said, “Yeah. So l met Jonathan when I was 18. I was a freshman at UCONN. My godparents and great uncle introduced me to him and his story and his case being wrongfully convicted. He had been in prison over a decade at that point so l was just interested in learning more. I got to know him and over the last 13 years we have just developed a friendship and we have entered into this huge battle to get him home. Just over time it was just pretty clear what the Lord was doing in our hearts. Now we are here today starting a whole new chapter together.“ Wanting to know more details Robin agreed then asked, “Yes you are. So, how did you pop the question?”
How did true love develop between this amazing couple? Jonathan explained with overwhelming excitement, “Well a few years ago while we were on a visit in prison and at that point we both acknowledged that we had real strong feelings for each other. So much that l wanted to marry her but at the same time protect her because being in a relationship with a man in prison is extremely difficult and painful. I didn’t want her to feel trapped and l wanted her to feel open and have the ability at any time if this is too much for you go and find somebody. Live your life because this is hard but at the same time she was like, ‘But I’m here now.’ I said well, l want to ask you something. She said, ‘what?’ I said, will you marry me but don’t answer that question yet. She was like, ‘Oh.‘ I said, l just want you to wait until l’m home because in my mind, l didn’t know if l would be home and she’s such an amazing, beautiful person. I could never trap her and not let her fulfill her dreams. You know being a wife and being a mother one day but when l got out we were in the hotel room. We had some friends in the other room. It was winding down and we are extremely tired but we were still gassed up on excitement and it was just me and her in the room. l got down on my knees and l looked up at her. She kind of knew what was going on and l said, will you marry me? She said, ‘Yes.’ Here we are today.“ Jonathan and Maya smiled at each other with love and genuine hope in their eyes.
Robin Roberts agreed once again, “Here we are today. We have seen the beautiful pictures from the wedding and l also remember. First of all congratulations to you both. I’ve known the news for a little bit and I’ve had to button up so I’m very glad you’re sharing with everybody right now. But I know that you didn’t want to distract from your mission and I know that and respected that very much. Jonathan the last time you were here, you said you were so blessed and so grateful that you wanted to make sure you could go about change and teaming up with Maya and her group. This is so important to you. Can you tell us a little bit more about the work that you all will be doing?”
Jonathan proceeded to explain some of their goals concerning individuals who have been falsely accused and imprisoned, “Now we are trying to educate the public... Local jurisdictions, prosecuting officers around the country just to have people be aware and pay attention. Because if you don’t pay attention things can get out of hand and become harmful to our country. Another thing we can think about and we’re in the process of doing. How to help other people that are less fortunate and wrongfully convicted and don’t have the resources or blessings that l have been blessed with. I’m actually in contact with a few friends that l know personally because l’ve reviewed their files. Whatever justice can happen the more hands involved makes the work easier.” Robin ended the interview with Maya and Jonathan by asking if she was planning to return to play professional basketball? Maya’s response was positive and thought provoking. Without hesitation in so many words, she was just “...trying to breathe and be in the moment.”
Maya was right. We should all just breathe and enjoy life the best way we know. Show loving concern for each other regardless of race or religious beliefs along with prayers for people all over the world who are in prison under false charges is heart wrenching. Human beings who just want the choice of freedom of religion in Russia are being brutually beaten and wrongfully imprisoned. In a news release on an article entitled, Imprisoned for Their Faith. The information revealed, “Russian authorities continue their agressive attack on, #Jehovah’s Witnesses by conducting a campaign of terror reminiscent of the Soviet era. As of August 17, 2020 there are 42 Witnesses who are in pretrial detention or sentenced to prison, 32 who are under house arrest.“ On this popular website a Jehovah’s Witness name #Dennis Christensen was falsely accused of “organizing the activity of an extremist organization. He has been sentenced to six years in prison. The unjust verdict, which has already received international attention, will be appealed...” Christensen wrote friends here in the United States named Dori and John. ln this letter Dennis tried to remain positive from jail. The letter goes on to say, “I am so happy to have such a big and loving family. The thoughts from Isaiah 41:10 and your explanation of the verse were beautiful. Thank you for your prayers for me, my wife Irina, and the other brothers and sisters in Russia. I’m also praying for all of you, because l know it’s not always easy there either. Please say hello from me to all your family and friends. Tell them l’m thankful to them for all their love and support. And that everything is fine with me.” Imagine how his wife Irina feels? Will she be able to fight for her true love and bring Dennis home to his family? We must continue to look at these falsely accused individuals as human beings suffering great injustices. We are thrilled for the release of Jonathan but there are so many people we must still pray for and strive to help that are wrongfully accused in prison. Let’s keep them in our prayers and not forget. For additional information about the Jehovah’s Witnesses‘ continous fight in Russia go to the link below.
Dennis Christensen Is Imprisoned and Wrongfully Accused For His Religious Beliefs
- Dennis Christensen’s Conviction to be Appealed to the European Court of Human Rights
On May 23, 2019, the Oryol Regional Court upheld the conviction of Dennis Christensen. An application will now be filed with the European Court of Human Rights.
Photos of husbands and wives who work diligently to maintain their marriages based on Bible principles.
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeReal Men Make Great Husbands
I sat in the movie theater with my husband watching #Tyler Perry's movie, Why Did I Get Married Too. It made me sad to think that married couples scream at each other like that showing such a lack of respect. The concept of cheating on each other is discussed over and over. A wife checked the mileage on her husband's car to make sure he was not cheating. Abusive speech between the mates penetrated my ears and heart. Violent fights between the couples that were very disturbing. I am well aware that this was a movie, but it still left me thinking, "do people live and love this way?"
I turned and looked at my husband while we watched these #negative roles of husbands and wives. He reached for my hand, and I grabbed his. I silently thanked God, that I love this man because he carries himself like a real man. No, he is not perfect, and neither am I. Yes, this was a movie and exaggerated drama sometimes make entertaining films. My concern is whether people viewed these couples as examples of how married people can love and live together as man and wife. Real men and women avoid speech and conduct that dishonors marriage. In a marriage, the husband is alert to the emotional needs of his wife. Real men also recognize these attributes and how vital they are in a relationship. In most instances, they love and worship the true God which gives them the real foundation as to how to treat their wives. This man will demonstrate these qualities not only because he loves his wife but also because he loves and tries to apply what God tells him based on the Bible. We need to show more of these type of men in the movie industry so that they can become examples of what a real man is. They teach honor and give support to their wives. It is natural therefore to love these men because they are real men who make great husbands. May we recognize and acknowledge more of these type of men because they do exist.
How a man views God in his relationship or marriage is vital. When he patterns his life after the love and mercy of Jehovah God and his son Jesus Christ, how to treat his wife and others become more comfortable to handle. The wife and other family members can adapt without much difficulty. What an excellent example we can be as we try to the best of our abilities to live by the standards of God.