Man VS Woman In The Sensory Field
Ladies, let’s face it. We are not wired like a man. Men have an on and off switch, and women have a little walkie-talkie wired into her body sending unspoken dialogue from her soul to her personality. He sees things in black and white, unfettered by emotions. Woman sees things through insights she gathers from impulses and hunches. She calls that, advanced intelligence.
Say you hear a knock at your door. Your husband answers it and comes back and says,
“There’s a man at the door and he wants to talk to you.”
“What does he look like?” You ask.
“I don’t know what he looks like, he’s a man with a bag.”
So you tip toe to the door and look through the peep hole, and in one glance, you see a man in a short sleeve blue shirt, khaki shorts, flip flops, curly hair, nice tan, hairy arms, a big ring on his left hand, and a black bag with ‘brushes’ written on the side. Imagine that, all in one glance. So you tell your husband, “It’s a brush salesman. Tell him I can’t come to the door.”
Antenna up
Man makes quick decisions based on facts. Woman will explore all the what-if’s, what-for’s, and why-not’s. We wait for the 'honored intuition' to guide and assist us in our decisions. I think, basically we want truth. The truth doesn’t contaminate. We rely on our feelings as a source of guidance.
A homeless man at a red light will be seen as a man out of work, down on his luck. A woman will wonder if he has a mother, if he has children, where does he sleep and if he's hungry. She will want to go through some fast food place and bring him back a hamburger. I’m not saying that a man functions without compassion, I’m just saying he follows his intellect, but a woman will pull data from both our heart and mind to form an opinion.
I’ll be the first to admit, we can be manipulative. We use our multi-sensory channels wisely. The antenna’s are up and working 24 hours a day. Wired to perceive in advance what is happening, what needs to happen, and what’s going to happen.
[A question for the man] “Have you ever wondered why you bought that car in a certain color? Have you ever decided to run for office manager, or surprised your wife with two tickets to the Bahama’s? Well, that was us. Planting little seeds of psychological hints discretely along the way, that came to fruition. Oh we do appreciate you so, love you, need you. But you are helpless! We rule!
But.....we also make soup when you are sick, cuddle you with tenderness, smother you in kisses, cook your favorite food, bear your children, The list is endless. Not a bad swap, huh? Oh, one more thing. We want your undying faith and devotion. And if we don't get it. We cry.