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Many People Get Married for Foolish Reasons

Updated on July 9, 2012

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Many People Get Married for Foolish reason by Roldens Paulynice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Based on a work at
Many People Get Married for Foolish reason by Roldens Paulynice is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Based on a work at

By Roldens Paulynice

As most of us know, marriage is a commitment. It is a proof that you have given yourself to someone that you really love in order to show him or her that you really want to give your heart to him (her) for the rest of your life. When you are married to someone, you show that person that you will always be there to suffer with him (her) in any difficult situations that may take place, such as sickness, economic situation, and others. Today, many people get married for foolish reasons, such as needing financial support, being scared of getting too old, feeling attracted physically to someone, or covering a mistake or a painful experience.

Living in a world where most people come with the idea “money talks” makes them do things that they are not supposed to do. Some people get married to someone because of financial reasons. As a matter of fact, there is no logical connection between love and money if your heart doesn’t really have a natural feeling for the person that you are marrying. Getting married only for financial reasons is one of the foolish causes for getting married because if you don’t really have a natural feeling for the one that you are marrying, you are going to feel embarrassed every time you see or you are going to make love to that person. The idea of getting married for financial reasons is not reasonable because marriage is a commitment or the idea of giving your heart to someone that you really love, not the idea of giving your heart for financial reasons.

Some people get married for fear of getting too old. Someone can get married at any age that she or he wants. Marriage is not a matter of age. If love doesn’t matter if you are old or not, why marriage should based on that? The idea of getting married for the fear of getting too old is not rational. When you just foolishly get married to someone because you are scared of getting too old, you may encounter serious problems in your relationship after getting married. Before you get married to someone, try to know to whom you getting married. Take your time to analyze that person. Don’t let the idea of getting too old make you make an unreasonable decision.

Even if some people don't get married for needing financial support or for being scared of getting to old, some people still get married for other foolish reasons. Many people also get married to someone because they just only feel attracted to that person’s physical appearance. I acknowledge that physical attraction is one of the primary causes of falling in love for someone, but it should not be the primary reason for getting married to someone. Imagine that you are married to someone because you just only feel attracted to that person’s physical attraction. If something happens to that person, such as he or she loses an ear or a hand, will you continue to share your feelings with that person? May be you will , or you will not. As most of us can realize, the idea of personality or respect should be one of the primary reasons for getting married. Having respect for your partner can push you to treat your partner well. You will be able to know how to act toward your partner. The beauty of someone is not only the physical attraction of that person. It’s also the positive personality that that person has, which we call inside beauty. Before you get married to someone, you have to take some time to analyze that person in order to see if she or he has this kind of quality. The qualities of that person will help you to determine whether or not you should marry with him or her. Getting married solely on the basis of physical attraction is one of the foolish reasons for getting married because it is not enough.

Not only do some people get married for needing financial support, being scared of getting too old, or feeling attracted physically to someone, but another issue is that some people just get married to cover a mistake or a painful experience. I know that there are some painful problems that someone experiences in his or her life that can make him or her unable to remain reasonable when he or she thinks about them. For example, your ex-wife or your ex-husband may break your heart; don’t just foolishly get married to someone else in order to show to your ex that you can find someone else because you never know what the other person may do to you. Bad experiences in life just happen for a reason. They can serve you as an example so that in the future you avoid other similar things that may happen. Getting married to cover a mistake or a painful experience is not reasonable.

Marriage is a commitment. It’s a way to show to someone that you really love him or her, and you are ready to spend the rest of your life with that person. Before you get married to someone, ask yourself, “Do I really love him or her?” If you don’t, don’t get married to him or her for financial reasons because you are going to feel embarrassed every time you are with that person. There is no logical connection between love and money if you don’t really love that person. The idea of getting married to someone solely on the basis of his or her physical attraction is not enough because this physical attraction can go at anytime. Physical attraction alone is not enough for a strong marriage. The idea of getting married for the fear of getting too old or for covering a mistake is not reasonable. As a matter of fact, most people get married for these kinds of reasons. This idea can make us realize that most people get married for foolish reasons.

Sometimes, we do some crazy stuffs when we love someone, but that doesn't mean that we are stupid. Love just simply makes us blind, and we are unable to follow what we want. However, our hearts and our souls choose to follow what they want while our bodies are unable to resist or to control this feeling. Sometimes, even though the one that our hearts and our souls want hurts us, we still can't stay away from that person because our hearts don't give us the chance to do that, and our hearts and our souls say yes even though sometimes our mouths say no. The heart is what we need to survive.We are obligated to please it. The soul directs the body to where it wants it .There's nothing we can do.
(Roldens Paulynice's quote.)

Roldens Paulynice, the author of this article, was born in December 24 1990 in Gonaives, Haity. He has published many short stories and essays, especially about relationship or love, litterature review, education, and politics. Think Before You Act and What Causes Many College Students to Fail or Drop out are two of his works that he likes the most. Fortunately, in February 2009, he had the chance to come to the United States, attended Glade Central High School, and graduated in may 2010 with a 3.08 GPA. In may 8, 2012, he graduated from Palm Beach State College with an Associate in Arts Degree. Right now, he is attending Florida Atlantic University, pursuing his BS in accounting and business administration. In the near future, he wants to become a CPA. Being a writter is something that he has a certain zeal to become in his life, but right now, he is trying, hoping to become a famous one one day. He is the author of Teenage Marriages Are Likely to End Unhappily, Think Before You Act, What Causes Many College Students to Fail or Dropout, Many People Get Married for Foolish Reasons, An Essay about the Tell-Tale-Heart and The Black Cat, and many other works.


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