My Imperfect Universe
This is dedicated to someone I happen to admire. Someone told me recently that the universe we were creating was torn asunder by my refusal to apologize for something I did not do and would never do. It is often easy to take a simple disagreement and magnify it to the point where it isn't recognizable for what it was.
I become miffed at times rather than angry. Miffed is a mild, tamer form of being angry but I have learned about anger. Anger is an emotion that is easier to deal with than your disappointments and hurts. But the fact is that eventually you have to circle back around and deal with that which you avoided by getting angry. You hurt yourself more than the person you direct it at. At that "circle the wagons time" you need to ask yourself questions then listen for the answers.
Music Maestro
So it got me to thinking about...
The universe I inhabit is one where when you make a mistake you admit it.
It's one where if an apology has to be made it's done humbly but always done.
My universe is where games are played on fields and not with people's minds.
There is no place there for playing mind games that would only hurt your soul and mine.
My universe is where a disagreement generates questions and hopefully honest answers.
There are spaces there where scars reside on the souls and are best left untouched .
My universe is one where you keep on giving even when it is uncomfortable to do so.
It's a place where anger needs to be turned into dealing with disappointment and hurt.
My universe involves listening and communicating rather than refusing to accept reality.
It's that place where honor, trustworthiness and honesty mean something to those in it.
My universe is a garden where people need to communicate and be heard and not shut out.
It's an environment where one gets by giving and you get what you need because of it.
This special universe exists for those not afraid to reach out to touch or be touched.
A space is created between two people where they know they have each other's back.
My universe is a place where if I'm called a bastard those are fighting words to a friend.
The void in my universe is keenly felt when someone significant leaves it.
My universe is a place where trust is your watch word and a way of life not to be violated.
It's a place that isn't perfect but neither am I and neither are you or those in it.
My special imperfect universe is where you can easily say I'm sorry and actually mean it.
It's a kinder space where neither abusing or being abused has a soap box from which to speak.
Peace be with you and yes this was written from a sense of disappointment and hurt.
But such is life in an imperfect world where forgiveness doesn't come easily.
It is abundant in my universe.
Life and building relationships isn't always easy but can be extremely rewarding if you put your heart into it. Otherwise you may get to the end and wonder what happened along the way to leave your love tank empty.
The link below is a companion piece that seems to blend well this time of year.
As Always,
The Frog Prince
- Everybody Hurts Sometimes
Have you ever stopped and wondered if anyone besides yourself has experienced hurt? Maybe it's that you have a corner on that particular market? Just something I feel compelled to say my friend...