My Kiss
The Kiss
Is it emotional? Or, is it physical?
For some it is one or other. For others it is both. For fewer it is neither.
I find it to be primarily emotional for myself.
I had been dating this girl for a bit more than 4 months. Yet there was nothing going off in my head that indicated that she was 'The One' for me
Then one morning it happened. I knew it eventually would. She was laying on top of me looking down into my eyes when she asked. "Do you know that we have never kissed?" with disappointment in her tone. We were never to be intimate with each other ever again. Never to be that close again.
She knew that the kiss would have meant that she owned my heart.
Her instincts led her to believe that she would never own my heart. She needed the kiss. She needed to know for sure.
The kiss never happened. It was never going to happen. I can not pretend to kiss.
Yet when I do kiss. With confident tenderness to start. Their reaction very telling in a very pleasant way. Often turning the kiss into something much more.
Never knowing what they like more. The heart in my kiss or the security in my hug.
The kiss is emotional for me. Seriously emotional. It is the one thing that I truly give that comes from my heart. It has to be earned. It has to be deserved.
Something has to make me feel like they are worthy of what I guard so closely. It has to be an instinctive desire triggered within me. It can not be faked.
I do all the majority of intimate acts with the poise of a true romantic. While other intimate actions have been just short of the wreck-less abandon of an animal. Always with mutual admiration and appreciation.
Yet, the kiss. If my heart is not in it?
There is no kiss. The greatest gift I give.
I will never dilute that. I protect it with my heart.
My kiss.