New Years Resolution for Men
Related video about fulfilling New Years resolution
New Years Resolution for Men: Suggestions from your loved one
I listed some of the New years resolution for men from your loved one and for our own benefit. It consists of some not so hard to do things like, help us with the household work, being more romantic to us, helping us if there is needed things to repair in the house, listening to us, loving us in spite of what we have become physically and most of all have time for us.
Dearest men in our lives,
I wish that next year or the soonest time possible you can:
- Be more romantic to us. Give us some card with a loving notes on it. We promise you, we will not say anything or share it with out girl friends. We will not comment on it and we will be grateful for it. We will kiss you on the cheek after and we will cook you your favorite dinner. We will keep it and read it every time we are in a loving mode, and that is always.
- Help us in the housework, if you have time. We may also request that football games or any other sports will be scheduled on weekdays so that on Sunday, the family is together and we can go out as a family and not spending the whole day watching sports.
- Please start to repair the leaking faucet when we say it is leaking already, and for other repair which we tell you to do so.
- Listen to our endless rants and stories to tell, please listen to us no matter what the topic we are discussing, we just want somebody to hear about what we did today. Sometimes we talk about anything at all, about the children, some Hollywood happenings, and what’s wrong with the neighbor. Just pretend to listen, If you cant pretend to listen to us, just pretend anyway!
- Please let us decide on what to watch at times specially when we are watching together. Give us the remote please!
- Give us leeway to shop and buy our weaknesses, shoes, clothes and stuff for the kitchen and not to comment if we have many pair of shoes already and to give us some money for shopping also.
- And appreciate the things we are doing for the whole family, a simple thank you is okay with us.
- Love us even if we are not that young or sexy or good looking anymore. Compliment us if we have a new haircut or we just polish our nail.
- The most important thing is please have time for us. That is the most treasured non-monetary gift you can give to us. Find time to date us and laugh with us. And please pamper us even just for one day in a week, you can you cook us breakfast and give us flowers like the way you do when you are just wooing us.