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Personal Relationship with Self

Updated on February 27, 2020
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Hello, My name is Sasha. I am a writer who hopes to reach others with my personal life experiences.

Relationship with Self

Not ashamed to express myself in many aspects of my own personal writing, I want to reach out to those battling with their mental health. After watching Hoarders, the television program on A&E, the show helped me see into my own personal relationship with mental health. Without a doubt, I am in competition with my brain on a daily basis. Watching Hoarders, I observe a relation with many of the shows participants to my own experiences. One an episode I watched was about a woman named Sandra who brought the infamous Greensboro Mansion in North Carolina. She was a very well off, talented interior designer. Until one day, she was sued by a client which caused her reputation to suffer. This triggered her to become even more of a hoarder. My point of telling her story is to inform how impactful someone else outside of ourselves, if we believe, can cause us to internally suffer.

In dealing with my own personal struggles with mental health, listening to others opinions of me caused a nose-dive into Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, and depression. My message is to encourage those battling with personal issues to always go for what you want. I want to let those struggling mentally with decisions, choices, and beliefs to know it is ok to stand for what you believe. My current communications class is elevating my mind to think higher. Without communication, how would the human race know exactly how to live life?

The meaning of life differs from each of our visual interpretations. I learned how my context pertaining to my life differs from people I once called "friend." The realization of knowing that your views change throughout your lifetime causes a chain reaction into self-awareness. Being self-aware of your own beliefs, thoughts, and reactions can turn the people who you thought were there for you into ghosts of the past. It causes a sense of loss, for me personal, in the inner corner of the mind built on surrounding self with those who know you like the back of their hand. I have a great example from my own personal experience that has put a strain on the people I thought once knew me. I am going to give this friend a pen name which will be Shawna. Shawna, this past summer, believe she was doing me a favor by hooking me up with someone who she believe was good for me. Yet, I had a boyfriend but explained to her that we were having tough times. Shawna took it upon herself to send someone my way that I did not think was a fit for me at all. In the end, we hooked up but I felt wronged in my heart about the entire situation. This is a prime example of how taking someone else's word rather than your own can impact your own feelings.

Reflecting on my prior paragraph, I had every decision to remove myself from the situation, but in reality I did it for a friend. Basing our decisions on someone else's opinion of us, in hindsight, can result into a situation like Sandra, who was an amazing talent but deemed herself otherwise from a perspective of one individual's opinion. Submitting to the idea someone has of us is unhealthy by any means in my opinion. A relationship should be based on each person being themselves while accepting one another for who we are. In my heart, I believe Sandra could have fought her own thoughts if she got help sooner enough.

Being self-aware is key to surviving many obstacles in life. Attending college was something I wanted to do ever since I graduate from high school in 2012. I expected to live life for me, but I continued to follow instead of lead. Fast forward into my present at the very mature age of 25, I have accomplished that defeat of learning to lead for myself. Ample opportunity to reflect on life and live it to the fullest is not over. Never underestimate the human brain to recondition itself back to its original form. This mini article was given to you, as my audience, to show that their is someone who cares. That person who cares is me. I am willing to take part in an effort to help others regain their hope for life again. This is to be informed that I am not a licensed doctor or psychologist of any kind. Promoting with peace, love, and information on help to prevent people from ruins will benefit the world tremendously.

Cited video: A&E. "Sandra Goes Dumpster Digging at Night." Youtube, 22 November 2019,

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Sasha Pollard


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